Reputation: 131
I´m using this function
chart.yAxis2.tickFormat(function(d) { return '$' + d3.format(',f')(d) });
In order to attach the dollar sign, and the currency format, to one of my y-axis.
Is it possible to display the dollar sign, and the currency format in the tooltip also?
This is my graph: . Below is the code also.
function buildGraph(){
//this will hold of our main data consists of multiple chart data
var data = [];
//variables to hold monthly month
var monthList = ['Ene 2016','Feb 2016','Mar 2016','Apr 2016','May 2014','Jun 2016','Jul 2016','Aug 2016', 'Sep 2016', 'Oct 2016', 'Nov 2016', 'Dec 2016'];
var monthlyIncome = [0, 2757820, 3447270, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var companiesNumber = [0, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
//Array to hold each individual coordinate x and y values
var monthlyIncomeValues = [];
var companiesNumberValues = [];
//Looping the data and fetch into array
for(var i = 0; i < monthList.length; i++){
var xyIncome = {x: i, y: monthlyIncome[i]};
var xyCompanies = {x: i, y: companiesNumber[i]};
//bar chart
var dataIncome = { key: "Monthly Income", values: monthlyIncomeValues, type: "bar", yAxis: 2, color: '#00913B' }
//line chart
var dataCompanies = { key: "Amount of companies", values: companiesNumberValues, type: "line", yAxis: 1, color: '#00C3D9' }
//Insert the values array into data variable
//build the graph
nv.addGraph(function () {
//build as multichart graphs and set the margin right and left to 100px.
var chart = nv.models.multiChart()
.margin({left: 100, right: 100})
//customize the tool tip
chart.tooltip.contentGenerator(function (key, x, y, e, graph) {
return "<div class='tooltip'><span>Month:</span> " + monthList[key.index] + "</div>" + "<div class='tooltip'><span>Value:</span> " + key.series[0].value + "</div><div class='tooltip'><span>Legend:</span> <div style='background:" + key.series[0].color + ";display:inline-block;height:15px;width:15px;'> </div></div>";
//Overwrite the x axis label and replace it with the month name
chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function (d) { return monthList[d] });
//Chart Interpolate
//Dollar Sign
chart.yAxis2.tickFormat(function(d) { return '$' + d3.format(',f')(d) });
//get the chart svg object and fecth the data to build the chart'#chart svg')
return chart;
//call the function to build the graph.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2735
Reputation: 25157
1) Make the tick format into a named function, so that you can reuse it:
var dollarFormat = function(d) { return '$' + d3.format(',f')(d) };
2) Use it for the ticks like this
3) Use it in the tooltip like this:
Upvotes: 6