Qasim Ali
Qasim Ali

Reputation: 597

passing pivot table views to laravel

I have seen some of the question here but none of them have solved my problem. I am confused. I have a many to many relation between community and idea model. it is saving values in pivot table perfectly but I am unable to fetch data to view.

Idea Model:

public function communities() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Community', "community_idea");

Community model:

public function ideas() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Idea', "community_idea");

Store Post Function:

//function for creating Idea
public function storePost(IdeaRequest $request)
    if ($request->hasFile('idea_image')) {
        $filename = $request->file('idea_image')->getClientOriginalName();
        $moveImage = $request->file('idea_image')->move('images/', $filename);
    $idea = new Idea();
    $idea->idea_title = $request->input('idea_title');
    $idea->user_id = Auth::id();
    $idea->idea_image = $moveImage;
    $idea->idea_info = $request->input('idea_info');
    $idea->idea_location = $request->input('idea_location');
    $idea->idea_goal = $request->input('idea_goal');
    $idea->idea_description = strip_tags($request->input('idea_description'));
    session()->flash('flash_message', 'Your idea has been submitted for Review, Kindly Fill this Work BreakDown of You Work');
    return redirect()->route('create_wbs');

VIEW: When I try to use this, it throws:

Undefined property: Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator::$communities` error

@foreach($ideas->communities as $idea)
   @if($idea->status == 1)
     <div class="grid_3">
     <div class="project-short sml-thumb">

     <div class="top-project-info">
     <div class="content-info-short clearfix">
     <a href="{{URL::to('showidea', array($idea->id))}}" class="thumb-img">
     <img src="{{asset($idea->idea_image)}}" alt="{{$idea->idea_title}}">
     <div class="wrap-short-detail">
     <h3 class="rs acticle-title"><a class="be-fc-orange" href="{{URL::to('showidea', array($idea->id))}}"><q>{{$idea->idea_title}}</q></a></h3>
     <p class="rs tiny-desc">by <a href="#" class="fw-b fc-gray be-fc-orange">{{$idea->User->name}}</a></p>
     <p class="rs title-description">{{$idea->idea_info}}</p>
     <p class="rs project-location">
     <i class="icon iLocation"></i>
</div><!--end: .grid_3 > .project-short-->


    public function showCommunities($id)
        $community = Community::findOrFail($id);
        $communities = Community::all();
        $ideas = Idea::paginate(15);
//        $ideas->communities()->ideas;
        return view('publicPages.ideas_in_community', compact(['ideas', 'community', 'communities']));



When i var_dump on ideass it displays following data.

var_dump on ideass variable

When i var_dump on $idea it displays following data

var_dump on idea

View Code

@foreach($ideas as $idea)
    @foreach($idea->communities as $ideass)
      @if($ideass->status == 1)
        <div class="grid_3">
        <div class="project-short sml-thumb">
        <div class="top-project-info">
        <div class="content-info-short clearfix">
        <a href="{{URL::to('showidea', array($idea->id))}}" class="thumb-img">
        <img src="{{asset($ideass->idea_image)}}" alt="{{$ideass->idea_title}}">
        <div class="wrap-short-detail">
        <h3 class="rs acticle-title"><a class="be-fc-orange" href="{{URL::to('showidea', array($idea->id))}}"><q>{{$ideass->idea_title}}</q></a></h3>
        <p class="rs tiny-desc">by <a href="#" class="fw-b fc-gray be-fc-orange">{{$ideass->User->name}}</a></p>
        <p class="rs title-description">{{$ideass->idea_info}}</p>
        <p class="rs project-location">
        <i class="icon iLocation"></i>
        </div><!--end: .grid_3 > .project-short-->

Upvotes: 0

Views: 273

Answers (1)


Reputation: 9749

When you do $ideas = Idea::paginate(15); you get a paginator with many models, like a collection, so you can't do $ideas->communities. You have to loop all the Ideas and then to get the Communities of each one.

$ideas = Idea::with('communities')->paginate(15);

foreach ( $ideas as $idea ) {
    foreach ( $idea->communities as $community ) {
        //DO STUFF


$ideas = Idea::paginate(15); contains a collection with 15 records from the DB and each record has a belongsToMany relation with App\Community, which you have defined in the model. When you try $ideas->communities it doesn't work because $ideas is a collection, 15 records, and communities is the relation to a single Idea model, the collection doesn't know what communities is. So when you loop foreach ( $ideas as $idea ) { the variable $idea is a single Idea model and it has access to the belongsToMany relation with App\Community, so you can say $idea->communities.

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