Reputation: 31
HOW TO RESOLVE the error in unity 3d
Json Exception: Input doesn't evaluate to proper JSON text
LitJson.JsonReader.Read ()
I am going to make a quiz game and output questions and words in a button how to resolve this issue so the game will run???? please help thanks
here are the data need to be input
"data": [
"que": "9 X 7",
"ans":[ "36","54","63","81"]
"que": "50 + 20",
"que": "100 / 5",
"que": "335 - 125",
"que": "19 x 70",
"que": "160 + 70",
"que": "2260 / 113",
"ans":[ "30","40","20","12"]
"que": "7850 - 1487 + 350",
"que": "8 X 6 / 4",
"que": "70 + 30 - 15",
here are the c# codes
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using LitJson;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Que : MonoBehaviour
public string filePath;
public string jsonString;
public JsonData queData;
public int numberQue=0;
public GameObject ansPrefab;
public void QueBegin()
filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "Math.json");
StartCoroutine ("Json");
queData = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonString);
IEnumerator Json()
if (filePath.Contains("://"))
WWW www = new WWW(filePath);
yield return www;
jsonString = www.text;
jsonString = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath);
public void OnClick()
QueBegin ();
GameObject.Find("Que/Background/Panel/QueC/Que").GetComponentInChildren<Text> ().text = queData["data"][numberQue]["que"].ToString();
for (int i=0; i<queData["data"][numberQue]["ans"].Count; i++) {
GameObject ans = Instantiate(ansPrefab);
ans.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = queData["data"][numberQue] ["ans"][i].ToString();
Transform AnsC = GameObject.Find("AnsC").GetComponent<Transform>();
if (i == 0)
ans.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => Ans(1));
ans.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => Ans(0));
public void Ans(int x)
if (x == 1)
Debug.Log("Answer Correct");
Debug.Log("Answer Wrong");
Upvotes: 0
Views: 330
Reputation: 332
As said in the comments, your json text is not valid. Should be like this:
"data": [{
"id": "1",
"que": "9 X 7",
"ans": ["36", "54", "63", "81"]
}, {
"id": "2",
"que": "50 + 20",
"ans": ["60", "70", "90", "80"]
}, {
"id": "3",
"que": "100 / 5",
"ans": ["100", "50", "20", "500"]
}, {
"id": "4",
"que": "335 - 125",
"ans": ["200", "215", "220", "210"]
}, {
"id": "5",
"que": "19 x 70",
"ans": ["1230", "1330", "1350", "1340"]
}, {
"id": "6",
"que": "160 + 70",
"ans": ["214", "240", "220", "230"]
}, {
"id": "7",
"que": "2260 / 113",
"ans": ["30", "40", "20", "12"]
}, {
"id": "8",
"que": "7850 - 1487 + 350",
"ans": ["6733", "6712", "6713", "6723"]
}, {
"id": "9",
"que": "8 X 6 / 4",
"ans": ["14", "12", "16", "13"]
}, {
"id": "10",
"que": "70 + 30 - 15",
"ans": ["95", "75", "85", "105"]
You can also use viewers or validators like this to check if the json is valid, know where's the error or to simply view it's structure.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 31
create appropriate class and use JsonUtility, is simple but very efective.
Upvotes: 1