Reputation: 7758
We have a table with a parent child relationship, that represents a deep tree structure.
We are using a view with a CTE to query the data but the performance is poor (see code and execution plan below).
Is there any way we can improve the performance?
WITH cte (ParentJobTypeId, Id) AS
Id, Id
e.Id, cte.Id
dbo.JobTypes AS e ON e.ParentJobTypeId = cte.ParentJobTypeId
ISNULL(Id, 0) AS ParentJobTypeId,
ISNULL(ParentJobTypeId, 0) AS Id
Upvotes: 0
Views: 119
Reputation: 82010
A quick example of using the range keys. As I mentioned before, hierarchies were 127K points and some sections where 15 levels deep
The cte Builds, let's assume the hier results will be will be stored in a table (indexed as well)
Declare @Table table(ID int,ParentID int,[Status] varchar(50))
Insert @Table values
;With cteOH (ID,ParentID,Lvl,Seq)
as (
Select ID,ParentID,Lvl=1,cast(Format(ID,'000000') + '/' as varchar(500)) from @Table where ParentID is null
Union All
Select h.ID,h.ParentID,cteOH.Lvl+1,Seq=cast(cteOH.Seq + Format(h.ID,'000000') + '/' as varchar(500)) From @Table h INNER JOIN cteOH ON h.ParentID = cteOH.ID
cteR1 as (Select ID,Seq,R1=Row_Number() over (Order by Seq) From cteOH),
cteR2 as (Select A.ID,R2 = max(B.R1) From cteOH A Join cteR1 B on (B.Seq Like A.Seq+'%') Group By A.ID)
Select B.R1
Into #TempHier
From cteOH A
Join cteR1 B on (A.ID=B.ID)
Join cteR2 C on (A.ID=C.ID)
Select * from #TempHier
Select H.R1
,Total = count(*)
,Complete = sum(case when D.Status = 'Complete' then 1 else 0 end)
,Pending = sum(case when D.Status = 'Pending' then 1 else 0 end)
,PctCmpl = format(sum(case when D.Status = 'Complete' then 1.0 else 0.0 end)/count(*),'##0.00%')
From #TempHier H
Join (Select _R1=B.R1,A.* From @Table A Join #TempHier B on A.ID=B.ID) D on D._R1 between H.R1 and H.R2
Group By H.R1
Order By 1
Returns the hier in a #Temp table for now. Notice the R1 and R2, I call these the range keys. Data (without recursion) can be selected and aggregated via these keys
R1 R2 Lvl ID ParentID
1 4 1 101 NULL
2 2 2 1 101
3 3 2 2 101
4 4 2 3 101
5 6 1 102 NULL
6 6 2 4 102
VERY SIMPLE EXAMPLE: Illustrates the rolling the data up the hier.
R1 R2 Lvl ID ParentID Total Complete Pending PctCmpl
1 4 1 101 NULL 4 2 1 50.00%
2 2 2 1 101 1 0 1 0.00%
3 3 2 2 101 1 1 0 100.00%
4 4 2 3 101 1 1 0 100.00%
5 6 1 102 NULL 2 1 0 50.00%
6 6 2 4 102 1 1 0 100.00%
The real beauty of the the range keys, is if you know an ID, you know where it exists (all descendants and ancestors).
Upvotes: 3