Don W.
Don W.

Reputation: 560

use Dojo to detect if all checkboxes are unchecked, disable a button

I have a group of checkboxes and a QUERY button so user can check a few things and click QUERY button to make a service call to return records. How to disable the QUERY button if none of the checkboxes are checked?

Below are the codes I wrote. The QUERY button got disabled when I first time unchecked all of them. But when I checked only one of checkboxes back again, the array "unchecked" became empty. please help!

      _bindChkChangeEvent: function(){
            var unchecked = []; 
            on(query('.chk'), 'change', lang.hitch(this, function(event) {
                    if(unchecked.indexOf( < 0)
                    if(unchecked.indexOf( > -1)

        _switchQueryBtn: function(unchecked){
             if(unchecked.length == 10)
                    html.addClass(this.btnQuery, 'disabled');
                    html.removeClass(this.btnQuery, 'disabled');

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1146

Answers (1)


Reputation: 73988

At the following link a working example, you can try to adopt this concept to your code (unfortunately the question contains only a partial code view).

What the script does:

  • Create two checkboxes programmatically.
  • Create a button programmatically.
  • Add event handler onChange for each checkbox.
  • Function showHideButton actually contains the logic to show or hide the button.
  • Now when the page load, both checkboxes are unchecked, showHideButton runs and button is being disabled.
  • When User click on a checkbox, re-run function showHideButton.
  • At this point condition is not met, as one checkbox is checked now, so re-enable the button.

The script could work with any number of checkboxes, just add their reference and modify the logic in showHideButton function.

Notes: You can use dijit/registry to find references of your widgets, instead of using dojo/query and querying the DOM directly as in the code in your original question.

More information on dijit/registry can be found here:

require(["dijit/form/CheckBox", "dijit/registry", "dijit/form/Button", "dojo/domReady!"], function(CheckBox, registry, Button) {
  new CheckBox({
    id: "checkBox0",
    name: "checkBox0",
    value: "option0",
    checked: false,
    onChange: function(event) {
  }, "checkBox0").startup();
  new CheckBox({
    id: "checkBox1",
    name: "checkBox1",
    value: "option1",
    checked: false,
    onChange: function(event) {
  }, "checkBox1").startup();
  new Button({
    label: "Click me!",
    onClick: function() {;
  }, "button").startup();

  var showHideButton = function() {
    var checkBox0 = registry.byId('checkBox0'),
      checkBox1 = registry.byId('checkBox1'),
      button = registry.byId('button');
    if (!checkBox0.checked && !checkBox1.checked) {
      button.set('disabled', true);
    } else {
      button.set('disabled', false);


<input id="checkBox0" />
<label for="checkBox">Option 0</label>
<input id="checkBox1" />
<label for="checkBox">Option 1</label>
<button id="button" type="button"></button>

Upvotes: 1

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