Reputation: 329
I'm trying to create a simple pipeline script for jenkins that would build the application docker container and run a simple test in it.
node('swarm') {
// My project sources include both build.xml and a Dockerfile to run it in.
git credentialsId: 'jenkins-private-key', url: '[email protected]:myrepo/myapp.git'
try {
stage 'Build Docker'
def myEnv = 'repo_folder/myapp:latest'
stage 'Test'
myEnv.withRun {
sh 'gulp test'
stage 'Deploy'
echo 'Push to Repo'
stage 'Cleanup'
echo 'prune and cleanup'
sh 'npm prune'
sh 'rm node_modules -rf'
catch (err) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
throw err
The build crashes in Test and I get an error
Gulp not found
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1287
Reputation: 2257
Are you sure you have gulp installed inside that container?
Ideally you should install it globally by adding RUN npm install -g gulp
by the end of your Dockerfile.
If you want a quickfix you could try installing gulp right before running by adding:
sh 'npm install gulp'
So it seems that your container does not have node installed after all, you could use official images as a starting point in your Dockerfile for example:
FROM node:6.3.0
Or you could install it yourself, here's a usefull snippet from node official Dockerfile for you to add it:
# gpg keys listed at
RUN set -ex \
&& for key in \
9554F04D7259F04124DE6B476D5A82AC7E37093B \
94AE36675C464D64BAFA68DD7434390BDBE9B9C5 \
0034A06D9D9B0064CE8ADF6BF1747F4AD2306D93 \
FD3A5288F042B6850C66B31F09FE44734EB7990E \
71DCFD284A79C3B38668286BC97EC7A07EDE3FC1 \
DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D \
B9AE9905FFD7803F25714661B63B535A4C206CA9 \
C4F0DFFF4E8C1A8236409D08E73BC641CC11F4C8 \
; do \
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys "$key"; \
RUN curl -SLO "$NODE_VERSION/node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.xz" \
&& curl -SLO "$NODE_VERSION/SHASUMS256.txt.asc" \
&& gpg --batch --decrypt --output SHASUMS256.txt SHASUMS256.txt.asc \
&& grep " node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.xz\$" SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c - \
&& tar -xJf "node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.xz" -C /usr/local --strip-components=1 \
&& rm "node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.xz" SHASUMS256.txt.asc SHASUMS256.txt \
&& npm install -g npm
Upvotes: 2