Reputation: 37
I am trying to integrate HP Application Lifecycle Management (HP ALM) with Robot Framework using VAPI-XP tool inside HP ALM. I want to know whether anyone of you have tried this before, and if so please share your approach.
Regards, Unni
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2039
Reputation: 16
I am posting the script (VBScript to be written inside the VAPI-XP Testscript pane) which i have created for my project to integrate Robot FW with Quality Center. This will create a dyanamic batch command line file, execute the robot framework script when the script triggered from QC and post the RF html result files as an attachment to the QC Test run instance.
You can go through the script and modify based on your need.
Thanks, Damodharan B
' ----------------------------------------------------
' Main Test Function
' Debug - Boolean. Equals to false if running in [Test Mode] : reporting to Quality Center
' CurrentTestSet - [OTA COM Library].TestSet.
' CurrentTSTest - [OTA COM Library].TSTest.
' CurrentRun - [OTA COM Library].Run.
' ----------------------------------------------------
Sub Test_Main(Debug, CurrentTestSet, CurrentTSTest, CurrentRun)
On Error Resume Next
' Run Test
strMainDir = "C:\Robot-QC"
strTestDir = strMainDir & "\Execution"
strBatchFileDir = strTestDir & "\BatchFiles"
strResultDir = strTestDir & "\Results"
strTestName = "TestCase1"
strResultPath = strResultDir & "\" & strTestName & "_Res"
strExecutionLogPath = strResultPath & "\ExecutionLog.txt"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FolderExists(strResultPath) Then
objFSO.DeleteFolder strResultPath, True
End If
objFSO.CreateFolder strResultPath
'If Execution Directly From QC, Creates Test Batch File
If Not objFSO.FileExist(strBatchFileDir & "\" & strTestName & ".bat")Then
'Write Batch File for Test
Set objTestBatchFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strBatchFileDir & "\" & strTestName & ".bat", 2, True)
objTestBatchFile.WriteLine "cd " & strTestDir
objTestBatchFile.WriteLine "pybot -t " & strTestName & " --outputdir Results\" & strTestName & "_Res " & "TestCases.txt"
Set objTestBatchFile = Nothing
End If strBatchFileDir & "\" & strTestName & ".bat", "", -1
XTools.Sleep 1000
' Update Run Status
strTDOutPut = Replace(TDOutput.Text, " ", "")
If InStr(1, strTDOutPut, strTestName & "|PASS|") = 0 Then
CurrentRun.Status = "Failed"
CurrentTSTest.Status = "Failed"
End If
'Log Command Prompt Output
Call Log_Output(objFSO,strExecutionLogPath)
'Upload Result Files
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strResultPath & "\")
Set objFiles = objFolder.Files
For Each oFile In objFiles
Set objRunAttach = CurrentRun.Attachments
Set newAtt = objRunAttach.AddItem(Null)
newAtt.FileName = strResultPath & "\" & oFile.Name
newAtt.Type = 1
Set newAtt = Nothing
Set objRunAttach = Nothing
Set objFiles = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Sub Log_Output(objFSO,strExecutionLogPath)
Set objOutputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strExecutionLogPath, 2, True)
objOutputFile.Write TDOutput.Text
Set objOutputFile = Nothing
End Sub
Upvotes: 0