Reputation: 57
I'm trying create a BroadcastReceiver to listen Locale changes, but I always have the java ClassNotFoundException.
That's my Locale BroadcastReceiver:
namespace AppDemia.Droid.Receivers
[BroadcastReceiver(Enabled = true)]
[IntentFilter(new[] { Intent.ActionLocaleChanged })]
public class LocaleChangeReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
Mensagens.LanguageSystem = Locale.Default.Language; // Esse método pega a string simples (exemplo: "pt" ou "en"
//Mensagens.languageSystem = Locale.Default.ToString(); // Esse aqui pega a string completa (exemplo: "pt_BR" ou "en_US")
Mensagens.CultureSystem = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.ToString(); // Aqui pegamos a string completa mas sem ser padrão android (exemplo: "pt-BR" ou "en-US", note o hifen)
CultureInfo cultureSystem = new CultureInfo(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.ToString());
Mensagens.DateFormatSystem = cultureSystem.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;
And that's my Manifest:
<manifest xmlns:android="" android:versionCode="4" android:versionName="1.1.1" android:installLocation="auto" package="com.prosperi.appdemia">
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="16" android:targetSdkVersion="22" />
<application android:label="Appdemia" android:theme="@style/Appdemia" android:icon="@drawable/LogoAppdemia">
<!-- Other things -->
<receiver android:name="com.prosperi.appdemia.receivers.LocaleChangeReceiver">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED"></action>
<!--other things -->
Always that I change the locale in the device settings, with my app opened, I have this exception: Unable to instantiate receiver com.prosperi.appdemia.receivers.LocaleChangeReceiver: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.prosperi.appdemia.receivers.LocaleChangeReceiver"
Can anyone help me?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 469
Reputation: 24470
You don't need to manually add your receiver to your AndroidManifest.xml. It is done automatically as soon as you add the [BroadcastReceiver]
attribute to your class.
Upvotes: 1