Reputation: 555
I'm trying to develop my own very basic operating system for educational purposes. While coding the kernel, I tried to set color to some pixels on screen to make it look better, but I failed.
I used INT 10h
with AH = 0CH
with video mode 13h
(320x200 graphics, 256 colors, 1 page) and tried several other modes like 01h
and 03h
but they don't work.
This is my complete code:
;set video mode
mov ah, 00h
mov al, 13h
int 10h
;write pixels on screen
mov ah, 0ch
mov bh, 0
mov dx, 5
mov cx, 5
mov al, 0100b
int 10h
What's wrong with my code?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 18095
Reputation: 31
The following code displays, a pixel, in red. Color, nr, 4 namely. You must compile it with NASM, then it works.
mov ax,13h
int 10h
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
mov ax,32010
mov di,ax
mov dl,4
mov [es:di],dx
int 10h
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 16626
Your code works in DOS (tested in dosbox
on my linux machine).
So it was either not reached (problem with your boot process and code ahead of this piece), or your set-up of kernel/environment prevents int 10h
BIOS interrupt to work (don't you destroy IVT by accident?). Or maybe your bootloader is already over 510B size, so the boot sector does not look as you expect?
According to this wiki about Bootloaders it looks like when you put into first sector on disk your own code (or this example), and mark it with 0xAA55 at end of sector, it should work (and it will probably crash after pressing key at the end).
You may also want to try their example of bootloader (writing hello world).
To test direct write into VRAM you can use a code like this (works in dosbox on my linux machine, so if your OS sets up similar 16b environment and allows BIOS interrupts):
; to compile DOS COM file: nasm -o palette.asm
; to run it with dosbox: dosbox -exit
ORG 100h
mov ax,13h
int 10h
; draw palette in 32x8 squares, each square 5x5 pixels big (so 160x40px)
push 0a000h
pop es
xor di,di
xor ax,ax ; color
mov cx,8 ; big rows (each having 32 5x5 squares)
mov bx,5 ; pixel height of single row
mov dx,32 ; squares per row
push ax
push di
; draw 5 pixels with "ah:al" color, ++color, di += 5
mov [es:di],ax
mov [es:di+2],ax
mov [es:di+4],al
add ax,0101h
add di,5
dec dx
jnz squareLoop
pop di
pop ax ; restore color for first square
add di,320 ; move di to start of next line
dec bx ; do next single pixel line
jnz rowLoop
; one row of color squares is drawn, now next 32 colors
add ax,02020h ; color += 32
dec cx
jnz bigRowLoop
; wait for any key and exit
xor ah,ah
int 16h
Upvotes: 4