Reputation: 4997
I just realized that VIM 7.3 has built-in support for highlighting Markdown files. Excellent. However, it doesn't fold on the headings.
Can any offer suggestions on how to get this working?
Alternatively, I'm using Markdown only as a way to get simple structured text. If there is a better alternative format, please also suggest. But not sure I dig TVO or VimOutliner.
Upvotes: 39
Views: 25386
Reputation: 23002
let g:markdown_folding = 1
You can enable markdown folding feature by adding this in your .vimrc
if you are using the latest version of Vim - no need to be the latest, but I don't know the exact version.
For some reason it's not documented in the README but you can find the related code in the repository.
FYI, if you don't want the sections closed when you open a file, refer to this SO thread. I think adding this would be the best way but you may have a different preference.
set nofoldenable
Unfortunately, I stopped using markdown_folding
since it makes things slow (Github issue).
Upvotes: 32
Reputation: 54684
Here's what I came up with as a combination of many of the other answers here. I found that most of them, including the builtin g:markdown_folding
, do not properly handle code blocks that contain #
characters as part of comments. I based this on matching the syntax IDs, which also handles <h1-6>
tags properly.
" ~/.vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim
function MarkdownLevel(lnum)
for synID in synstack(a:lnum, 1)
let name = synIDattr(synID, "name")
if name == 'htmlH1' | return ">1"
elseif name == 'htmlH2' | return ">2"
elseif name == 'htmlH3' | return ">3"
elseif name == 'htmlH4' | return ">4"
elseif name == 'htmlH5' | return ">5"
elseif name == 'htmlH6' | return ">6"
return "="
setlocal foldexpr=MarkdownLevel(v:lnum)
setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldlevel=1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 386
Working from @Omar comment to this answer, I coded a fold method to languages which comment with //
, like JS. Add following to ~/.vimrc:
autocmd FileType javascript setlocal foldmethod=expr foldcolumn=6
autocmd FileType javascript setlocal foldexpr=JSFolds()
" Level of a folding:
"// #: level 1
"// ##: level 2
"// ###: level 3
function! JSFolds()
" Option 1: // and no space and hashes:
"if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^//#'
" Option 2: // and 1 space and hashes:
"if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^//\+ #'
" Option 3: spaces/tabs/nothing and // and 1 space and hashes:
if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*//\+ #'
" Option 4: anything and // and 1 space and hashes:
" DANEGROUS! Potential conflict with code. E.g. print("// # Title");
" if getline(v:lnum) =~ '//\+ #'
" Number of hashs # in line that success previous condition (if)
" determine the fold level
let repeatHash = len(matchstr(getline(v:lnum), '#\+'))
return ">" . repeatHash
return "="
Examples. Note on the left the fold levels ("|" and "-"):
- // # ** Fold style recommended **
- // # 1 easy case
|- // ## 2 easy case
||- // ### 3 easy case
||| // Comment inside level 3
|||- // #### 4 easy case
|||| // Comment inside level 4
|- // ## 2 easy case (indents are OK with Option 3)
|| /#### error (JS comment needs 2 slashes)
- // # ** Fold of just 1 line **
|-- // ### 3 easy case
||- // ### = same fold level as previous line, thus previous line folds just itself ?!? (not concerns this fold function)
- // # ** Space needed before, BUT not needed after hash/-es **
|- // ##Fold Level changed Because no space after hashes is OK: '// # ' vs '// #NoSpace'. NoSpace could even be a return carriage (enter).
|| //## Fold Level Unchanged Because no space after pair of slashes: '// #' vs '//#'
|| // ##txt Unchanged Because too much space after slashes
|| // ## txt Unchanged Because too much space after slashes
- // # ** Odds vs Even slashes **
- /// # 1 overrides typo 3 slash instead of just 2 (/// vs //)
- ///// # 1 overrides typo 5 slash instead of just 4 (///// vs ////). Read Recommenting Comments notes.
|- // ## ** As long as the pattern is at least '// # ', further previous slashes are ok **
- // # 1 easy case
|-- // ### 3 ok (and recommended fold style)
||- ///// ### 3 ok (recommented + typo)
||- ////// ### 3 ok (re-recommented)
||- /// ### 3 ok (typo)
||- //// ### 3 ok (recommented)
||- ///////// ### 3 ok (who cares? it works!)
- // # ** Recommenting Comments **
- // # 1 easy case
| // Comment inside level 1
- //// # 1 recommented a comment
| //// Comment inside level 1
- ///// # 1 re-re-recomment
| ///// Comment inside level 1
- // # ** Recommenting Comments adding text **
|-- // ### //// # 3 changing fold level on purpose of a recommented a comment
||| // Comment inside level 3
||| // text // ## 2 (recommented a comment adding text)
||| // text#text // ## 2 right {recommented a comment adding initial text, as long as this text has no hash just after '// ' (2*slash + space) would be ok }
- // #text#text // ## 2 wrongly {recommented a comment adding initial text, as long as this text has no hash just after '// ' (2*slash + space) would be ok }
- // # changeFoldIntentionally // ## 1 clear intention to change fold level of comments
- // #changeFoldIntentionally // ## 1 clear intention to change fold level of comments (previousi example, with space after hash would be clearer)
|-- // ### changeFoldIntentionally // ## 3 clear intention to change fold level of comments
PD: totally open to critics and improvements of the code. Actually I'm a beginner with vimscript.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5281
As of Vim 8 it is included by default (via Tim Pope's markdown plugin). Just add this to .vimrc:
let g:markdown_folding=1
To make sure you have this plugin loaded you can run
and look for
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14920
VOoM : Vim two-pane outliner is worth checking it out.
Not only does it provide basic folding, but it also provides outline navigation via a 2nd outline view pane (similar to document map in MS Word). And it supports a large number of markup languages including others mentioned in other answers - Markdown, viki, reStructuredText, vimwiki, org, and many others.
For more info see the screenshots and the help page.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 535
Based on Jeromy & Omar's suggestions, I came up with this (for my vimrc) to automatically and unambiguously fold my DokuWiki files (in which top level header is marked by ====== at start of line, down to fourth level header marked by ===):
function! DWTitleLevel()
let j = len(matchstr(getline(v:lnum), '^=\+'))
if j =~ 6 | return ">1"
elseif j =~ 5 | return ">2"
elseif j =~ 4 | return ">3"
elseif j =~ 3 | return ">4"
'^=+' means match from the start of the line any number of contiguous '='s
Then this in a vim modeline makes it work nicely for a DokuWiki file:
foldmethod=expr foldexpr=DWTitleLevel() foldcolumn=5
And for Markdown, I needed to write Omar's code like this:
if empty(j) | return "=" | else | return ">".len(j) | endif
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 653
I'm guessing you don't watch VimCasts. The guy who makes that made a pugin for just this. Here it is:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 6210
There is an app a plugin for that on GitHub.
When you are editing Markdown files with Vim, you probably also want to install Tim Pope's Markdown plugin.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 27858
There is a vim-markdown plugin at .
The code related to folding from there appears to be:
" fold region for headings
syn region mkdHeaderFold
\ start="^\s*\z(#\+\)"
\ skip="^\s*\z1#\+"
\ end="^\(\s*#\)\@="
\ fold contains=TOP
" fold region for lists
syn region mkdListFold
\ start="^\z(\s*\)\*\z(\s*\)"
\ skip="^\z1 \z2\s*[^#]"
\ end="^\(.\)\@="
\ fold contains=TOP
syn sync fromstart
setlocal foldmethod=syntax
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 34907
When I use markdown I only use the hash-style headings with space separating hashes and text. This makes the folding task a lot simpler.
I'm pretty new to Vim, so use the following at your own risk. I added the following code to my vimrc and it folds headings based on number of hashes, and it retains the syntax colouring.
function! MarkdownLevel()
if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^# .*$'
return ">1"
if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^## .*$'
return ">2"
if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^### .*$'
return ">3"
if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^#### .*$'
return ">4"
if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^##### .*$'
return ">5"
if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^###### .*$'
return ">6"
return "="
au BufEnter *.md setlocal foldexpr=MarkdownLevel()
au BufEnter *.md setlocal foldmethod=expr
Upvotes: 39
Reputation: 134
I had the same question, and played around with Jander's nice solution. The only problem is that by defining folding using syntax, you lose any Markdown syntax highlighting.
Given that you might be interested in alternate markups, I would suggest using reStructuredText, and the amazing Vst vim extension. It does folding very nicely. Rst is much more powerful than Markdown.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 5627
Here is a try at a recursive header folding rule. It doesn't include the underline style of Markdown header, but I'm guessing those would be awkward for your purposes anyway.
Put the following code into your .vimrc:
au FileType markdown syn region myMkdHeaderFold
\ start="\v^\s*\z(\#{1,6})"
\ skip="\v(\n\s*\z1\#)\@="
\ end="\v\n(\s*\#)\@="ms=s-1,me=s-1
\ fold contains=myMkdHeaderFold
au FileType markdown syn sync fromstart
au FileType markdown set foldmethod=syntax
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 2514
The only way how I get folding to work in markdown, was't very elegant, :set fdm=marker
and use html comment tag
<!-- My folding {{{1 -->
more help :help folding
Upvotes: 4