Reputation: 321
are there is some java annotaion that will allow me to ignore code repet such as
private ISource source;
public ISource getSource() {
return source == null ? source = ... : source;
private IProduct product;
public IProduct getProduct() {
return product == null ? product = ... : product;
private IFoo foo;
public IFoo getFoo() {
return foo == null ? foo = ... : foo;
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Views: 116
Reputation: 49095
The issue would be how you want to create the objects particularly since they appear to be interfaces and how you create those objects is probably fairly custom.
As @OliverCharlesworth mentioned you could use a memoized supplier. With Java 8 lambdas it is rather terse. You then could make a custom annotation on a supplier field and write your own APT plugin (see Google's auto project for some examples)
private final Supplier<ISource> source = Suppliers.memoize( -> new Source());
Otherwise one option is just to make the supplier fields as public and not bother generating a getter:
public final Supplier<ISource> source = Suppliers.memoize( -> new Source());
BTW the memoize will be thread safe unlike foo == null ? foo = ...
EDIT after comment:
The Java 7 version would be (using Guava):
public final Supplier<ISource> source = Suppliers.memoize( new Supplier<ISource>() {
public ISource get() { return new Source(); }
Upvotes: 2