Reputation: 317
I would like to turn the following long dataset:
data test;
input Id Injury $;
1 Ankle
1 Shoulder
2 Ankle
2 Head
3 Head
3 Shoulder
Into a wide dataset that looks like this:
ID Ankle Shoulder Head
1 1 1 0
2 1 0 1
3 0 1 1'
This answer seemed the most relevant but was falling over at the proc freq stage (my real dataset is around 1 million records, and has around 30 injury types): Creating dummy variables from multiple strings in the same row
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Thanks for the help!
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Views: 4779
Reputation: 10431
Here's a solution involving only two steps... Just make sure your data is sorted by id first (the injury column doesn't need to be sorted).
First, create a macro variable containing the list of injuries
proc sql noprint;
select distinct injury
into :injuries separated by " "
from have
order by injury;
Then, let RETAIN
do the magic -- no transposition needed!
data want(drop=i injury);
set have;
by id;
format &injuries 1.;
retain &injuries;
array injuries(*) &injuries;
if then do i = 1 to dim(injuries);
injuries(i) = 0;
do i = 1 to dim(injuries);
if injury = scan("&injuries",i) then injuries(i) = 1;
if then output;
Following OP's question in the comments, here's how we could use codes and labels for injuries. It could be done directly in the last data step with a label
statement, but to minimize hard-coding, I'll assume the labels are entered into a sas dataset.
1 - Define Labels:
data myLabels;
infile datalines dlm="|" truncover;
informat injury $12. labl $24.;
input injury labl;
S460|Acute meniscal tear, medial
S520|Head trauma
2 - Add a new query to the existing proc sql
step to prepare the label assignment.
proc sql noprint;
/* Existing query */
select distinct injury
into :injuries separated by " "
from have
order by injury;
/* New query */
select catx("=",injury,quote(trim(labl)))
into :labls separated by " "
from myLabels;
3 - Then, at the end of the data want
step, just add a label
data want(drop=i injury);
set have;
by id;
/* ...same as before... */
* Add labels;
label &labls;
And that should do it!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21294
Here's a basic method that should work easily, even with several million records.
First you sort the data, then add in a count to create the 1 variable. Next you use PROC TRANSPOSE
to flip the data from long to wide. Then fill in the missing values with a 0. This is a fully dynamic method, it doesn't matter how many different Injury types you have or how many records per person. There are other methods that are probably shorter code, but I think this is simple and easy to understand and modify if required.
data test;
input Id Injury $;
1 Ankle
1 Shoulder
2 Ankle
2 Head
3 Head
3 Shoulder
proc sort data=test;
by id injury;
data test2;
set test;
proc transpose data=test2 out=want prefix=Injury_;
by id;
var count;
id injury;
idlabel injury;
data want;
set want;
array inj(*) injury_:;
do i=1 to dim(inj);
if inj(i)=. then inj(i) = 0;
drop _name_ i;
Upvotes: 2