Reputation: 2929
I'm not sure if graphing is what I need but I think it is.
I have a rather large proliferation of git branches, I want to slim this down by deleting old branches, and merging branches that can be merged and so on, but looking at them I can't quite remember which is which.
Is there a way to graph the branches so I can for example, branches by date, or how branches differ and so on?
I'm sorry if I'm not being clear, It's a little hard to describe exactly what I'm after.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 389
Reputation: 3356
You can sort your branches based on recency,
git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/
Delete the branches which are old. I use it personally for the same purpose.
Or better and more readable,
git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/
To check all the unmerged branches in the current branch,
git branch --no-merged
For a graphical view of all the branches in terminal, you can use the git log
's graph
git log --decorate --graph --oneline --all
Upvotes: 3