
Reputation: 133

PowerShell - Parse through comma delimited text file and insert values into SQL table

I have a text file that contains file names, file sizes, and created dates for before (.txt) and after (.txt.Z) compression. The data is separated by commas and looks like this:

Note: The File names below are not the actual file names. I will be receiving this type of file weekly, so each week the files would be different names.

File1.txt,1449124525,Jul 09 01:13
File2.txt,2601249364,Jul 09 01:30
File3.txt,18105630,Jul 09 01:01
File4.txt,732235442,Jul 09 01:17
File1.txt.Z,130652147,Jul 09 01:13
File2.txt.Z,217984273,Jul 09 01:30
File3.txt.Z,2320129,Jul 09 01:01
File4.txt.Z,61196011,Jul 09 01:17


Currently, the code that I have inserts the first row into SQL 44 times (there are 22 total file names, so 44 total with before and after compression).

$file = Get-Content "MY_FILE.txt"

$line = $null

foreach ($line in $file)
    #Split fields into values
    $line = $file -split (",")
    $FileName = $line[0]
    $FileSize = $line[1]
    $FileDate = $line[2]

    #Format Date Field
    $DateString = $FileDate
    $DateFormat = "MMM dd HH:mm"
    $Culture = $(New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo -ArgumentList "en-US")
    $DateString = $DateString -replace "\s+"," "
    $NewDate = [Datetime]::ParseExact($DateString, $DateFormat, $Culture)
    $FileDate = Get-Date $NewDate -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

    #SQL Connection Info
    $Connection = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection
    $Connection.ConnectionString = "server='MY_SERVER';database='MY_DATABASE';trusted_connection=true;"
    $Command = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand
    $Command.Connection = $Connection

    #Insert into SQL
    $sql = "INSERT INTO [MY_DATABASE].[dbo].[MY_TABLE] ([FileName],[FileSize],[FileDate]) VALUES ('" + $FileName + "'," + $FileSize + ",'" + $FileDate + "')"

    $Command.CommandText = $sql 


Another tricky thing that I would love to be able to do would be to load each file, and its corresponding size and date, to the same row for before and after compression. I cannot seem to grasp how I would be able to get that. The above part is more important, though. Anyway, I would want it to look like this in SQL:

| InFileName | InFileSize | InFileDate   | OutFileName | OutFileSize | OutFileDate  |
| File1.txt  | 1449124525 | Jul 09 01:13 | File1.txt.Z | 130652147   | Jul 09 01:13 |
| File2.txt  | 2601249364 | Jul 09 01:30 | File2.txt.Z | 217984273   | Jul 09 01:30 |
| File3.txt  | 18105630   | Jul 09 01:01 | File3.txt.Z | 2320129     | Jul 09 01:01 |
| File4.txt  | 732235442  | Jul 09 01:17 | File4.txt.Z | 61196011    | Jul 09 01:17 |


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Views: 11350

Answers (2)


Reputation: 29048

I suggest you process the data first, before importing into SQL server. If you're using comma-separated-values, use Import-CSV.

As an addition to that, you can specify column names when importing, so I've added empty columns for the compressed files.

Then loop over the rows, and merge in the compressed files - note that their names come from the "InFileName" column, and get moved to the "OutFileName" column. It's not particularly efficient; for every file without a .z ending, it loops through all the rows to find the corresponding .z file.

$fileHeaders = 'InFileName','InFileSize','InFileDate','OutFileName','OutFileSize','OutFileDate'
$inData = Import-Csv D:\f.txt -Header $fileHeaders

$outData = foreach ($row in $inData) {
    if ($row.InFileName -notmatch '\.z$') {
        $outFile = $inData | Where {$_.InFileName -match "$($row.InFileName).."}
        $row.OutFileName = $outFile.InFileName
        $row.OutFileSize = $outFile.InFileSize
        $row.OutFileDate = $outFile.InFileDate

e.g. after that:

$outData | ft -AutoSize

InFileName InFileSize InFileDate   OutFileName OutFileSize OutFileDate 
---------- ---------- ----------   ----------- ----------- ----------- 
File1.txt  1449124525 Jul 09 01:13 File1.txt.Z 130652147   Jul 09 01:13
File2.txt  2601249364 Jul 09 01:30 File2.txt.Z 217984273   Jul 09 01:30
File3.txt  18105630   Jul 09 01:01 File3.txt.Z 2320129     Jul 09 01:01
File4.txt  732235442  Jul 09 01:17 File4.txt.Z 61196011    Jul 09 01:17

Then loop over $outData and you'll have to change your SQL inserts and so on to handle the 6 fields. You'll still need all the date parsing / field processing code as well, which I left out completely.

Upvotes: 2

Mike Garuccio
Mike Garuccio

Reputation: 2718

It looks like in the first line of your foreach loop you are calling split on the entire $file array rather than on the $line you are working with. It should work if you swap $line = $file -split (",") for $line = $line -split (","). Although you may want to use a different name for either the parameter or the variable you are assigning it to.

Upvotes: 2

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