Reputation: 1547
I have a text file which contains, amongst other information, lines that start with 'Password: ' . What I am looking to do is run a command line command (if possible) to parse through the .txt file to extract all of the terms that follow 'Password: ' and place them into a new textfile listing solely the passwords. The number of spaces between the word 'Password:' and the actual password varies in the entries.
I have so far used:
FINDSTR /L "Password: " input_file.txt > output_file.txt
This works well but extracts the term 'Password: ' too. From the research I have carried out, I don't believe Command Line has a built-in function to remove strings from .txt files does it as my thinking is to run the above command followed by something similar to:-
FINDSTR /L "Password: " input_file.txt > output_file.txt & DELSTR "Password: " output_file.txt > final_file.txt & DEL output_file.txt
Obviously I have invented the 'DELSTR' but as said, I would need something there to remove the string 'Password: ' from each line.
Any suggestions? Thanks
Upvotes: 5
Views: 13836
Reputation: 1
Following on from Stephan's code. The For /f loop can give the result without extra string manipulation. Also, it will remove any result that would just be spaces, causing Echo to respond with a status line, e.g. 'Echo is OFF'. Using Echo: stops 'off' and 'on' (potential, though rather weak, passwords) from being seen as Echo parameters.
For /f "tokens=1* delims=: " %%a In ('Findstr /b /c:"Password: " input_file.txt') Do (
Set pwd=%%b
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Reputation: 56165
in fact, there are some (very limited) built-in functions for string manipulation. See set /?
for details.
No need to work with temporary files, you can parse your string directly into a variable:
(code edited to print all passwords, if there are more than one)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /b /c:"Password: " input_file.txt') do (
set pwd=%%a
set "pwd=!pwd:Password: =!"
echo !pwd!>>final_file.txt
Upvotes: 6