Reputation: 3118
I can't stop the ReadAsArray() method from returning None. I don't understand why because I have written it in exactly the same was another script that works just fine.
I want to point out early that I do have gdal.UseExceptions() enabled.
This seems to be a someone common problem from searching but I haven't found a solution that makes it work, it is very strange that I do the exact same thing in an existing script which works just find. I have used this file in other scripts so I know that isn't corrupt. Also, loading another image into it results in the same problem.
Does anybody know what is going on?
This is the script currently:
import gdal
from gdal import Open, GetDriverByName
def qa_mask(in_qa_band, in_cols, in_rows, in_geotransform, mask_tiff):
qa_np = in_qa_band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, in_cols, in_rows)
qa_np_str = qa_np.astype('str')
mask = qa_np_str[(qa_np_str[0:2] == '10')] = -99
geotiff = GetDriverByName('GTiff')
output = geotiff.Create(mask_tiff, in_cols, in_rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte)
output_band = output.GetRasterBand(1)
return None
tiff = Open(r'D:\landsat_data\20160710_landsat8qa_test\LC80410222016190LGN00_BQA.TIF')
band = tiff.GetRasterBand(1)
rows, cols, geotransform = tiff.RasterYSize, tiff.RasterXSize, tiff.GetGeoTransform()
qa_mask(band, rows, cols, geotransform, 'D:\landsat_data\20160710_landsat8qa_test\cloudmask.TIF')
I always get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/gis_image/", line 27, in <module>
qa_mask(band, rows, cols, geotransform, 'D:\landsat_data\20160710_landsat8qa_test\cloudmask.TIF')
File "D:/gis_image/", line 8, in qa_mask
qa_np_str = qa_np.astype('str')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'astype'
And yet, this script works just fine:
import numpy as np
from numpy import subtract, add, divide, multiply
import gdal
from gdal import GetDriverByName
def ndvi(in_nir_band, in_colour_band, in_rows, in_cols, in_geotransform, out_tiff, data_type=gdal.GDT_Float32):
Performs an NDVI calculation given two input bands, as well as other information that can be retrieved from the
original image.
@param in_nir_band A GDAL band object representing the near-infrared image data.
@type in_nir_band GDALRasterBand
@param in_colour_band A GDAL band object representing the colour image data.
@type: in_colour_band GDALRasterBand
@param in_rows The number of rows in both input bands.
@type: in_rows int
@param in_cols The number of columns in both input bands.
@type: in_cols int
@param in_geotransform The geographic transformation to be applied to the output image.
@type in_geotransform Tuple (as returned by GetGeoTransform())
@param out_tiff Path to the desired output .tif file.
@type: out_tiff String (should end in ".tif")
@param data_type Data type of output image. Valid values are gdal.UInt16 and gdal.Float32. Default is
@type data_type GDALDataType
@return None
# Read the input bands as numpy arrays.
np_nir = in_nir_band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, in_cols, in_rows)
np_colour = in_colour_band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, in_cols, in_rows)
# Convert the np arrays to 32-bit floating point to make sure division will occur properly.
np_nir_as32 = np_nir.astype(np.float32)
np_colour_as32 = np_colour.astype(np.float32)
# Calculate the NDVI formula.
numerator = subtract(np_nir_as32, np_colour_as32)
denominator = add(np_nir_as32, np_colour_as32)
result = divide(numerator, denominator)
# Remove any out-of-bounds areas
result[result == -0] = -99
# Initialize a geotiff driver.
geotiff = GetDriverByName('GTiff')
# If the desired output is an int16, map the domain [-1,1] to [0,255], create an int16 geotiff with one band and
# write the contents of the int16 NDVI calculation to it. Otherwise, create a float32 geotiff with one band and
# write the contents of the float32 NDVI calculation to it.
if data_type == gdal.GDT_UInt16:
ndvi_int8 = multiply((result + 1), (2**7 - 1))
output = geotiff.Create(out_tiff, in_cols, in_rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte)
output_band = output.GetRasterBand(1)
elif data_type == gdal.GDT_Float32:
output = geotiff.Create(out_tiff, in_cols, in_rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
output_band = output.GetRasterBand(1)
raise ValueError('Invalid output data type. Valid types are gdal.UInt16 or gdal.Float32.')
# Set the geographic transformation as the input.
return None
# Open NIR image and get its only band.
nir_tiff = Open(r'D:\landsat_data\20160621_fort_mac\nir.tif')
nir_band = nir_tiff.GetRasterBand(1)
# Open red image and get its only band.
red_tiff = Open(r'D:\landsat_data\20160621_fort_mac\red.tif')
red_band = red_tiff.GetRasterBand(1)
# Get the rows and cols from one of the images (both should always be the same)
rows, cols, geotransform = nir_tiff.RasterYSize, nir_tiff.RasterXSize, nir_tiff.GetGeoTransform()
# Set an output for a 16-bit unsigned integer (0-255)
#out_tiff_int16 = r'NDVI_INT16.tif'
# Set the output for a 32-bit floating point (-1 to 1)
out_tiff_float32 = r'D:\landsat_data\20160621_fort_mac\out3.tif'
# Run the function for unsigned 16-bit integer
#ndvi(nir_band, red_band, rows, cols, geotransform, out_tiff_int16, gdal.GDT_UInt16)
# Run the function for 32-bit floating point
ndvi(nir_band, red_band, rows, cols, geotransform, out_tiff_float32, gdal.GDT_Float32)
Both of the scripts accept raster bands as inputs and attempt to read them as numpy arrays
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2974
Reputation: 3118
Well don't I feel stupid...
The function is defined as:
def qa_mask(in_qa_band, in_cols, in_rows, in_geotransform, mask_tiff):
Whereas I called it as:
qa_mask(band, rows, cols, geotransform, 'D:\landsat_data\20160710_landsat8qa_test\cloudmask.TIF')
So, the lesson to take away here is that apparently GDAL won't tell you if there is a problem with rows/cols being swapped. It will just not define the numpy array...
Upvotes: 3