Reputation: 81
here is my code, I am having trouble getting the correct output. Where am I going wrong?I set min originally to zero, then check if the array is less than or equal to this value and then if it is I jump to a label and make the value of min to be the value of the array, then jump back to iterating the array.
xyz: .word -8, 16, -32, 64, -128, 256
# int main(void)
# local variable register
# int *p $s0
# int *end $s1
# int min $s2
# int total $s3
.globl main
la $s0, xyz # p = foo
addi $s1, $s0, 24 # end = p + 6
add $s3, $zero, $zero # total = 0
add $s2, $zero, $zero # min = 0
beq $s0, $s1, L2 # if (p == end) goto L2
lw $t0, ($s0) # $t0 = *p
lw $t1, ($s2) # $t1 = min
slt $t2, $t1, $t0 # check if min is less than p
add $s3, $s3, $t0 # total += $t0
bne $t2, $zero, L3 # if min is less than p, go to L3
addi $s0, $s0, 4 # p++
j L1
add $v0, $zero, $zero # return value from main = 0
jr $ra
move $s2, $t0
j L1
Upvotes: 6
Views: 13617
Reputation: 33601
Okay, I found several bugs. I've created three versions and I added output syscalls so you can see results [please pardon the gratuitous style cleanup]:
Here is your original code with annotations for the bugs:
xyz: .word -8,16,-32,64,-128,256
# int main(void)
# local variable register
# int *p $s0
# int *end $s1
# int min $s2
# int total $s3
.globl main
la $s0,xyz # p = foo
addi $s1,$s0,24 # end = p + 6
add $s3,$zero,$zero # total = 0
# NOTE/BUG: to find minimum, you want to init this to the first array
# element
# also, initializing with a minimum value (e.g. 0), or more correctly, the
# largest possible negative number (e.g. 0x80000000) implies a search for
# maximum
add $s2,$zero,$zero # min = 0
beq $s0,$s1,L2 # if (p == end) goto L2
lw $t0,($s0) # $t0 = *p
# NOTE/BUG: s2 is a register variable that contains "min" (e.g. int min)
# and is _not_ a pointer to a "min" variable in memory (e.g. int *min)
lw $t1,($s2) # $t1 = min
# NOTE/BUG: the the check should be reversed:
slt $t2,$t1,$t0 # check if min is less than p
add $s3,$s3,$t0 # total += $t0
bne $t2,$zero,L3 # if min is less than p, go to L3
# NOTE/BUG: this pointer increment is out of place (i.e. it does not
# get incremented if there is a jump to L3)
# this won't affect the min value, but it will double count the value in
# the total
addi $s0,$s0,4 # p++
j L1
add $v0,$zero,$zero # return value from main = 0
jr $ra
move $s2,$t0
j L1
Here is a fixed version:
xyz: .word -8,16,-32,64,-128,256
msg_min: .asciiz "min: "
msg_tot: .asciiz " total: "
msg_nl: .asciiz "\n"
# int main(void)
# local variable register
# int *p $s0
# int *end $s1
# int min $s2
# int total $s3
.globl main
la $s0,xyz # p = foo
addi $s1,$s0,24 # end = p + 6
add $s3,$zero,$zero # total = 0
lw $s2,0($s0) # min = xyz[0]
beq $s0,$s1,L2 # if (p == end) goto L2
lw $t0,0($s0) # $t0 = *p
addi $s0,$s0,4 # p++
add $s3,$s3,$t0 # total += $t0
slt $t2,$t0,$s2 # *p < min?
bne $t2,$zero,L3 # yes, fly
j L1
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_min
li $v0,1
move $a0,$s2 # get min value
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_tot
li $v0,1
move $a0,$s3 # get total value
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_nl
# exit program
li $v0,10
move $s2,$t0 # set new/better min value
j L1
Here is a slightly more cleaned up version where I reversed the sense of a branch and was able to tighten up the loop a bit. Also, I changed the labels to be more descriptive of role/function:
xyz: .word -8,16,-32,64,-128,256
msg_min: .asciiz "min: "
msg_tot: .asciiz " total: "
msg_nl: .asciiz "\n"
# int main(void)
# local variable register
# int *p $s0
# int *end $s1
# int min $s2
# int total $s3
.globl main
la $s0,xyz # p = foo
addi $s1,$s0,24 # end = p + 6
add $s3,$zero,$zero # total = 0
lw $s2,0($s0) # min = xyz[0]
beq $s0,$s1,main_done # if (p == end) goto L2
lw $t0,0($s0) # $t0 = *p
addi $s0,$s0,4 # p++
add $s3,$s3,$t0 # total += $t0
slt $t2,$s2,$t0 # *p < min?
bne $t2,$zero,main_loop # no, loop
move $s2,$t0 # set new/better min value
j main_loop
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_min
li $v0,1
move $a0,$s2 # get min value
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_tot
li $v0,1
move $a0,$s3 # get total value
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_nl
# exit program
li $v0,10
thanks that helped a lot, but
lw $t1,($s2)
doesnt work because lw will only work on pointers?
Right. Notice how you were using s3
to hold total
. That's how the code used s2
to hold min. I did this [partly] because of the top comment:
# int min $s2
To use the lw
, the top comment should have been:
# int *min $s2
To use s2
in the original way for this, you'd need something like:
min: .word 0
And, you'd need (before the loop start):
la $s2,min
And, you'd have to lw
and sw
to it, which would only slow things down. So, you'd need to add an extra lw
and an extra sw
in addition to what's already there.
mips has a lot of registers [its forte]. So, it speeds things up to keep automatic, function scoped variables in them.
However, for completeness, here's a version that allows the lw
as you were using it. Notice the extra memory accesses. It's a lot like C code compiled with -O0:
min: .word 0
xyz: .word -8,16,-32,64,-128,256
msg_min: .asciiz "min: "
msg_tot: .asciiz " total: "
msg_nl: .asciiz "\n"
# int main(void)
# local variable register
# int *p $s0
# int *end $s1
# int *min $s2
# int total $s3
.globl main
la $s0,xyz # p = foo
addi $s1,$s0,24 # end = p + 6
add $s3,$zero,$zero # total = 0
la $s2,min # point to min
lw $t4,0($s0) # fetch xyz[0]
sw $t4,0($s2) # store in min
beq $s0,$s1,main_done # if (p == end) goto L2
lw $t0,0($s0) # $t0 = *p
addi $s0,$s0,4 # p++
add $s3,$s3,$t0 # total += $t0
lw $t4,0($s2) # fetch min
slt $t2,$t4,$t0 # *p < min?
bne $t2,$zero,main_loop # no, loop
sw $t0,0($s2) # store new/better min value
j main_loop
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_min
li $v0,1
lw $a0,0($s2) # get min value
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_tot
li $v0,1
move $a0,$s3 # get total value
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg_nl
# exit program
li $v0,10
Upvotes: 8