Reputation: 117
I'm running lftp and I've encountered the strangest error. Whether I run the mirror command or just a normal connection the results are the same.
It is the most bizarre thing, has anyone seen this before?
lftp XXXXX@XXXXX:~> ls
---- Running connect program (ssh -a -x -s -l XXXXXXXX sftp)
---> sending a packet, length=5, type=1(INIT), id=0
<--- Password authentication
<--- Password: XXXXXXXX
<--- Welcome XXXXXXXXXX
<--- got a packet, length=5, type=2(VERSION), id=0
---- protocol version set to 6
---> sending a packet, length=10, type=16(REALPATH), id=1
<--- got a packet, length=19, type=104(NAME), id=1
---- home set to /
---- path on wire is `/'
---> sending a packet, length=10, type=11(OPENDIR), id=2
<--- got a packet, length=45, type=102(HANDLE), id=2
---- got file handle 31636535316662352D343133352D343832352D626532662D663133383735633330366136 (36)
---> sending a packet, length=45, type=12(READDIR), id=3
<--- got a packet, length=111, type=104(NAME), id=3
---- file name count=1
---- eof
drw------- XXXXXX/XXXXXXX 4096 2016-07-19 07:46:54 outgoing
---> sending a packet, length=45, type=4(CLOSE), id=4
<--- got a packet, length=17, type=101(STATUS), id=4
---- status code=0(OK), message=
lftp XXXXXXXX:/> cd outgoing
---- checking directory `/outgoing'
---> sending a packet, length=22, type=17(STAT), id=5
---> sending a packet, length=24, type=17(STAT), id=6
<--- got a packet, length=94, type=105(ATTRS), id=5
<--- got a packet, length=94, type=105(ATTRS), id=6
cd ok, cwd=/outgoing
lftp XXXXXXXXX:/outgoing> ls
---- path on wire is `/outgoing'
---> sending a packet, length=18, type=11(OPENDIR), id=7
<--- got a packet, length=45, type=102(HANDLE), id=7
---- got file handle 64333832336535352D643436372D346562312D393566382D646161646337653664613065 (36)
---> sending a packet, length=45, type=12(READDIR), id=8
<--- got a packet, length=2224, type=104(NAME), id=8
---- file name count=18
---- eof
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 745 2016-07-12 05:35:04 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 745 2016-07-13 05:34:12 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 744 2016-07-14 05:49:18 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 746 2016-07-15 04:50:29 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 744 2016-07-18 01:31:48 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 748 2016-07-19 07:18:50 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 897 2016-07-12 05:40:03 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 638 2016-07-13 05:35:07 XXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 930 2016-07-14 05:49:34 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 1310 2016-07-15 04:50:44 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 1089 2016-07-18 01:31:55 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 780 2016-07-19 07:19:10 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 1740 2016-07-12 05:45:36 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 1731 2016-07-13 05:43:05 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 1739 2016-07-14 05:52:30 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 1806 2016-07-15 04:59:57 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 1730 2016-07-18 01:31:55 XXXXXXXXX
-rw------- XXXXXXXXX 1732 2016-07-19 07:46:54 XXXXXXXXX
---> sending a packet, length=45, type=4(CLOSE), id=9
<--- got a packet, length=17, type=101(STATUS), id=9
---- status code=0(OK), message=
lftp XXXXXXXXX:/outgoing> get XXXXXXXXX
---> sending a packet, length=53, type=17(STAT), id=10
<--- got a packet, length=94, type=105(ATTRS), id=10
---- file info: size=1732, date=Tue Jul 19 07:46:54 2016
---- path on wire is `/outgoing/XXXXXXXXX'
---> sending a packet, length=62, type=3(OPEN), id=11
<--- got a packet, length=45, type=102(HANDLE), id=11
---- got file handle 30393835326430302D366435362D343766322D623664302D306231636561626565346437 (36)
---> sending a packet, length=49, type=8(FSTAT), id=12
<--- got a packet, length=94, type=105(ATTRS), id=12
---- file info: size=1732, date=Tue Jul 19 07:46:54 2016
---> sending a packet, length=57, type=5(READ), id=13
---> sending a packet, length=57, type=5(READ), id=14
<--- got a packet, length=1742, type=103(DATA), id=13
---- data packet: pos=0, size=1732
---- eof
---> sending a packet, length=45, type=4(CLOSE), id=15
<--- got a packet, length=17, type=101(STATUS), id=14
---- status code=1(EOF), message=
<--- got a packet, length=17, type=101(STATUS), id=15
---- status code=0(OK), message=
lftp XXXXXXXXX:/outgoing> exit
---- Disconnecting
total 8
-rw-rw-r--. 1 XXXXXX XXXXX 0 Jul 19 07:46 XXXXXXXXXXX
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1730
Reputation: 846
Check out lftp 4.9.2 or newer version which fixed an issue for file download. It worked for me.
Please refer to
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 181
I had this happen to me before. It's that the ssh key has not been added to the systems/users known_hosts file yet.
First you must ssh to the site normally. It will prompt you to accept the ssh key, say yes. Then disconnect and use lftp again and it should work now that the key is accepted.
Upvotes: 0