Reputation: 173
I've already do a normalization using padarray (code as follows), but the result for the next process (feature extraction) isn't good enough. Because it's not exactly the segmented part features, but also including the pad part.
-sample image (segmented characters)
I need to normalize only the segmented character of images, put it centered, and squared (it supposed to be [64 64]). It also should preserve the aspect ratio, without stretching or distorting the image, so the character image will be keep proportional.
% Normalization done using pad
function p = pad (im)
nrows = size(im,1);
ncols = size(im,2);
d = abs(ncols-nrows); % difference between ncols and nrows:
if(mod(d,2) == 1) % if difference is an odd number
if (ncols > nrows) % we add a row at the end
im = [im; zeros(1, ncols)];
nrows = nrows + 1;
else % we add a col at the end
im = [im zeros(nrows, 1)];
ncols = ncols + 1;
if ncols > nrows
im = padarray(im, [(ncols-nrows)/2 0]);
im = padarray(im, [0 (nrows-ncols)/2]);
im = imresize(im, [64 64]);
% figure, imshow (im);
p = (im);
% Here im is a 5x5 matix, not perfectly centered
% because we added an odd number of columns: 3
% Original code by Sembei Norimaki, modified by Ana
Some modification of this code, still not work. So, I need a suggestion for this code modification or any recommended method for this case.
Any Help would be very appreciated. Thank You.
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Views: 289
Reputation: 22235
Not 100% sure that's what you're after, but here goes:
Example: (assumes images 'alif.png', 'dod.png', 'ha.png', and 'uau.png' in the path).
%%%% in file 'processLetter.m' %%%%
function L = processLetter (L)
%% Step 1 : Trim padding.
tmp = find (L); % Get linear indices of nonzero elements
[Row_subs, Col_subs] = ind2sub (size (L), tmp); % Convert to row / col subscripts
L = L(min (Row_subs) : max (Row_subs), min (Col_subs) : max (Col_subs)); % trim
%% Resize such that the largest dimension is scaled to 64 pixels
Rows = size (L, 1); Cols = size (L, 2);
if Rows > Cols; Resize_vec = [64, NaN];
else Resize_vec = [NaN, 64];
L = imresize (L, Resize_vec);
Rows = size (L, 1); Cols = size (L, 2);
%% Pad smallest dimension to 64 pixels
if Rows > Cols;
LeftPad = abs (floor ((64 - Cols) / 2 ));
RightPad = abs (floor ((Cols - 64) / 2 ));
L = padarray (L, [0, LeftPad ], 'pre' );
L = padarray (L, [0, RightPad], 'post');
TopPad = abs (floor ((64 - Rows) / 2 ));
BottomPad = abs (floor ((Rows - 64) / 2 ));
L = padarray (L, [TopPad, 0], 'pre' );
L = padarray (L, [BottomPad, 0], 'post');
L = mat2gray (L);
L = L > 0.5; % in case L was a 'double' matrix -- needed in Octave
%%%% end of file 'processLetter.m' %%%%
Then call with:
Alif = imread ('alif.png'); Dod = imread ('dod.png');
Ha = imread ('ha.png' ); Uau = imread ('uau.png');
Alif = double (Alif); Dod = double (Dod); Ha = double (Ha); Uau = double (Uau); % if using octave -- octave 'imresize' function throws an error if image is logical instead of double
subplot (2, 4, 1); imagesc (Alif); axis equal off; colormap gray;
subplot (2, 4, 2); imagesc (Dod ); axis equal off;
subplot (2, 4, 3); imagesc (Ha ); axis equal off;
subplot (2, 4, 4); imagesc (Uau ); axis equal off;
subplot (2, 4, 5); imagesc (processLetter (Alif)); axis equal off;
subplot (2, 4, 6); imagesc (processLetter (Dod) ); axis equal off;
subplot (2, 4, 7); imagesc (processLetter (Ha) ); axis equal off;
subplot (2, 4, 8); imagesc (processLetter (Uau) ); axis equal off;
Is this the kind of thing you were after?
Upvotes: 2