Reputation: 99
I am programming a simple character creation program to study classes and Java programming.
The code is work in progress and not runnable because I don't know how to make it work.
My problem is that I don't know how to properly return details/info/values from another class to another class and then to the main class.
What I am trying to solve is how to get the information stored in
, so that I can use them in
. So lets say a user inputs 1 for warrior. Then I need to get the information for Weapon and Characteristics from their own classes, and return this information for SetClass
Method in
In short something like:
If user input = 1 => classType is Warrior => weaponType is Sword
Here is my code so far:
The main program:
import java.util.*;
public class characterCreationProgam {
private static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
public static void main1(String[] args) {
try {
System.out.println("Welcome to the super simple character creator ");
System.out.println("Choose class: 1: Warrior 2: Wizard 3: Rogue 4: Healer ");
int class = input.nextInt();
// creating new OOP
Player newCharacter = new Player(class);
System.out.println("New character has been made: ");
System.out.println("Print character stats? 1: Yes 2: No ");
int answer = input.nextInt();
if (answer == 1) {
} else if (answer == 2) {
System.out.println("Print weapon stats? 1: Yes 2: No ");
int answer2 = input.nextInt();
if (answer2 == 1) {
} else if (answer2 == 2) {
System.out.println("Shutting down the program.");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error! Program closing.");
Player.Java class
public class Player {
private int class;
private String sex;
private int age;
private int weapon;
public Player(int class) {
this.class = class; = "";
this.age = 0;
this.weapon = 0;
// Method for setting the class
public void setClass(int class) {
if (class == 1) { // Warrior
// something here to return proper character class and weapon
// from their own class files = "Male";
this.age = 45;
} else if (class == 2) { // Wizard
// something here to return proper character class and weapon
// from their own class files = "Female";
this.age = 30;
} else if (class == 3) { // Rogue
// something here to return proper character class and weapon
// from their own class files = "Female";
this.age = 25;
} else if (class == 4) { // healer
// something here to return proper character class and weapon
// from their own class files
this.sukupuoli = "Male";
this.age = 21;
} else {
System.out.println("Unkown class selection. ");
// Method to return/print character info
public void printPlayer() {
System.out.println("class: " + this.class + "\nGender: "
+ + "\nAge: " + this.age + "\nWeapon: "
+ this.weapon);
// Method to return/print class info
public void printClass() {
// Something here to return classInfo from CharacterClass.Java
// Method to return/print weapon info
public void printWeapon() {
// Something here to return weaponInfo from Weapon.Java
Characterstics.Java class
public class Class {
private String className;
private int classLevel;
private String specialSkills;
public Class(String name, int level, String skills) {
this.className = name;
this.classLevel = level;
this.specialSkills = skills;
public void classType() {
if () { // Don't know what to put in here
this.className = "Warrior";
this.classLevel = 90;
this.specialSkills = "Damage reduction";
// Something to set correct weapon to this classType from
} else if () { // Don't know what to put in here
this.className = "Wizard";
this.classLevel = 75;
this.specialSkills = "Magic ";
// Something to set correct weapon to this classType from
} else if () { // Don't know what to put in here
this.className = "Rogue";
this.classLevel = 55;
this.specialSkills = "Dodge";
// Something to set correct weapon to this classType from
} else if () { // Don't know what to put in here
this.className = "Healer";
this.classLevel = 69;
this.specialSkills = "Healing";
// Something to set correct weapon to this classType from
// Method to return characters details.
public void characterInfo() {
System.out.println("\nClass: " + this.className + "\nLevel: "
+ this.classLevel + "\nSkills: " + this.specialSkills);
and finally...
Weapon.Java class
public class Weapon {
// Luokan
private int damage;
private String type;
private String bonus;
public Weapon() {
this.damage = 0;
this.type = "";
this.bonus = "";
public void weaponType() {
if () { // Don't know what to put in here, class is warrior
this.type = "Sword";
this.damage = 75;
this.bonus = "Armor penetration";
} else if () { // Don't know what to put in here, class is wizard
this.type = "Staff";
this.damage = 35;
this.bonus = "Spell casting";
} else if () { // Don't know what to put in here, class is rogue
this.type = "Daggers";
this.damage = 55;
this.bonus = "Poisoning enemies";
} else if () { // Don't know what to put in here, class is healer
this.type = "Hammer";
this.damage = 85;
this.bonus = "Stunning enemies";
// Method to print weapon details.
public void weaponInfo() {
System.out.println("Weapon type: " + this.type + "\nDamage: "
+ this.damage + "\nBonus: " + this.bonus);
Upvotes: 1
Views: 203
Reputation: 86
You can always get Atributes from other classes by writing Getters.
Also, as Pedro David already said you can't use "class" for naming classes and variables as it is a Reserved Word.
This being said, here is my solution for your problem (It's far from perfect but hopefully you'll see how to easily share information between classes)
import java.util.*;
public class CharacterCreationProgam {
private static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
System.out.println("Welcome to the super simple character creator ");
System.out.println("Choose class: 1: Warrior 2: Wizard 3: Rogue 4: Healer ");
int race = input.nextInt();
//creating new Player-Object:
Player player = new Player(race);
System.out.println("New character has been made: ");
//Character stats:
System.out.println("Print character stats? 1: Yes 2: No ");
int answer = input.nextInt();
if (answer == 1) {
System.out.println("Race: " + player.getRace().getraceName() +
"\nGender: " + player.getSex() +
"\nAge: " + player.getAge());
//Weapon stats:
System.out.println("Print weapon stats? 1: Yes 2: No ");
answer = input.nextInt();
if (answer == 1) {
Weapon playerWeapon = player.getWeapon();
System.out.println("Weapon Type: " + playerWeapon.getType() +
"\nDamage: " + playerWeapon.getDamage() +
"\nBonus: " + playerWeapon.getBonus());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error: " + e);
Here is my go at a
public class Player {
private Race playerRace;
private String sex;
private int age;
private Weapon weapon;
public Player(int race) throws Exception{
private void setRace(int race) throws Exception{
this.playerRace = new Race(race);
private void setAtributes() throws Exception{
switch (playerRace.getraceName()) {
case "Warrior": = "Male";
this.age = 45;
case "Wizard": = "Female";
this.age = 30;
case "Rogue": = "Female";
this.age = 25;
case "Healer": = "Male";
this.age = 21;
throw new Exception();
private void setWeapon() throws Exception{
weapon = new Weapon(playerRace);
public String getSex(){
return sex;
public int getAge(){
return age;
public Weapon getWeapon(){
return weapon;
public Race getRace(){
return playerRace;
public class Race {
private String raceName; //Enum would be BP
private int raceLevel;
private String specialSkill; //Another Class for the skills would be Nice in the long run
public Race(int race) throws Exception{
private void setRace(int race) throws Exception{
switch (race) {
case 1: //Warrior
this.raceName = "Warrior";
this.raceLevel = 90;
this.specialSkill = "Damage reduction";
case 2: //Wizard
this.raceName = "Wizard";
this.raceLevel = 75;
this.specialSkill = "Magic";
case 3: //Rogue
this.raceName = "Rogue";
this.raceLevel = 55;
this.specialSkill= "Dodge";
case 4: //Healer
this.raceName = "Healer";
this.raceLevel = 69;
this.specialSkill= "Healing";
throw new Exception(); //you should find a fitting Exception for this
public String getraceName(){
return this.raceName;
public int getraceLevel(){
return this.raceLevel;
public String specialSkill(){
return this.specialSkill;
And the
public class Weapon {
private int damage;
private String type;
private String bonus;
public Weapon(Race race) throws Exception{
private void setWeapon(Race race) throws Exception{
switch (race.getraceName()) {
case "Warrior":
this.type = "Sword";
this.damage = 75;
this.bonus = "Armor penetration";
case "Wizard":
this.type = "Staff";
this.damage = 35;
this.bonus = "Spell casting";
case "Rogue":
this.type = "Daggers";
this.damage = 55;
this.bonus = "Poisoning enemies";
case "Healer":
this.type = "Hammer";
this.damage = 85;
this.bonus = "Stunning enemies";
throw new Exception();
public int getDamage(){
return damage;
public String getType(){
return type;
public String getBonus(){
return bonus;
So as you can see I use Switch statements with the getters from the objects. I hope this is somewhat helpful, if you have any questions please ask ;)
Upvotes: 2