Reputation: 93
I've created a full-text indexed column on a table.
I have a stored procedure to which I may pass the value of a variable "search this text". I want to search for "search", "this" and "text" within the full-text column. The number of words to search would be variable.
I could use something like
WHERE column LIKE '%search%' OR column LIST '%this%' OR column LIKE '%text%'
But that would require me to use dynamic SQL, which I'm trying to avoid.
How can I use my full-text search to find each of the words, presumably using CONTAINS, and without converting the whole stored procedure to dynamic SQL?
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Views: 2103
Reputation: 93
So I think I came up with a solution. I created the following scalar function:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_Util_CONTAINS_SearchString]
@searchString NVARCHAR(MAX),
@delimiter NVARCHAR(1) = ' ',
IF @searchString IS NULL OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@searchString)) = '' RETURN NULL
-- trim leading/trailing spaces
SET @searchString = LTRIM(RTRIM(@searchString))
-- remove double spaces (prevents empty search terms)
WHILE CHARINDEX(' ', @searchString) > 0
SET @searchString = REPLACE(@searchString,' ',' ')
-- reformat
SET @searchString = REPLACE(@searchString,' ','" ' + @ANDOR + ' "') -- replace spaces with " AND " (quote) AND (quote)
SET @searchString = ' "' + @searchString + '" ' -- surround string with quotes
RETURN @searchString
I can get my results:
DECLARE @ftName NVARCHAR (1024) = dbo.fn_Util_CONTAINS_SearchString('value1 value2',default,default)
I would appreciate any comments/suggestions.
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Reputation: 82020
For your consideration.
I understand your Senior wants to avoid dynamic SQL, but it is my firm belief that Dynamic SQL is NOT evil.
In the example below, you can see that with a few parameters (or even defaults), and a 3 lines of code, you can:
1) Dynamically search any source
2) Return desired or all elements
3) Rank the Hit rate
Declare @SearchFor varchar(max) ='Daily,Production,default' -- any comma delim string
Declare @SearchFrom varchar(150) ='OD' -- table or even a join statment
Declare @SearchExpr varchar(150) ='[OD-Title]+[OD-Class]' -- Any field or even expression
Declare @ReturnCols varchar(150) ='[OD-Nr],[OD-Title]' -- Any field(s) even with alias
Set @SearchFor = 'Sign(CharIndex('''+Replace(Replace(Replace(@SearchFor,' , ',','),', ',''),',',''','+@SearchExpr+'))+Sign(CharIndex(''')+''','+@SearchExpr+'))'
Declare @SQL varchar(Max) = 'Select * from (Select Distinct'+@ReturnCols+',Hits='+@SearchFor+' From '+@SearchFrom + ') A Where Hits>0 Order by Hits Desc'
OD-Nr OD-Title Hits
3 Daily Production Summary 2
6 Default Settings 1
I should add that my search string is comma delimited, but you can change to space.
Another note CharIndex can be substanitally faster that LIKE. Take a peek at
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Reputation: 3923
If you say you definitely have SQL Table Full Text Search Enabled, Then you can use query like below.
select * from table where contains(columnname,'"text1" or "text2" or "text3"' )
See link below for details
Upvotes: 1