Reputation: 152
I'm a newbie in Python and I've a problem.
I've to compare the values between two files, one is an Excel file (and I don't have any problem with it), the other one is a text file formatted with spaces and "blocks" of lines.
The text file is like this:
LISON Kontoauszug 10.07.2016 20:13
Monat/Jahr: 06.16 Seite: 1
Lief. : AKJsjak0 (V Sachbearb.: Name Surname
LT : VW0012 Lief.-Eigene.: 0 Tel.: xxxxxxxxxx
Saldo Vorm.: 170 BEL.: 253 ENTL: 181 Endsaldo: 242
B-Dat Abs/Empfae BEL. ENTL Saldo BA Bel-Nr WK-LG-LR Bemerkung
050416 000590178 0 1 169 50 16103483 49-12-00 FERSR IM SY
050416 000590178 0 1 168 50 16103484 49-16-00 FERSR IM SY
050516 000590030 0 2 166 50 16104633 16-01-K1
160516 000590030 0 1 165 50 16104980 16-01-K1
170516 000590030 0 2 163 50 16105015 16-01-K1
210516 000590120 1 0 164 51 36873 37- - 000590120
230516 000590178 1 0 165 51 16105229 49-16-00 MPYTRRIN
240516 000590030 0 2 163 50 16105243 16-01-K1
300516 000590030 0 1 162 50 16105484 16-01-K1
300516 000590030 0 1 161 50 16105483 16-01-K1
310516 000590030 2 0 163 51 697321 26- - KOR.GJKE.MB
310516 000590030 0 2 161 50 16105536 16-01-K1
310516 000590030 0 1 160 50 16105542 16-01-K1
010616 000590120 2 0 162 21 39694 37- - 000590120
010616 000710030 12 0 174 21 627948 21- - 000710030
010616 000590120 0 1 173 50 39694 37- -
030616 000712550 0 2 171 10 16105627 28-05-60
030616 000710130 0 1 170 10 16105628 11-01-K4
030616 000448489 0 2 168 10 16105638 18-66-23
030616 000590120 0 2 166 10 16105626 37-75-I4
060616 000590030 41 0 207 21 698299 26- - 000590030
070616 000712550 0 2 205 10 16105714 28-05-60
070616 000712550 0 1 204 10 16105717 28-08-60
070616 000590178 0 1 203 10 16105710 49-16-
070616 000590120 0 1 202 10 16105702 37-75-I4
070616 000590120 0 1 201 10 16105703 37-78-I4
070616 000590120 0 1 200 10 16105704 37-78-I8
070616 000590235 0 1 199 10 16105707 33-07-K9
070616 000710030 0 1 198 10 16105715 24-06-S2
070616 000590030 0 1 197 10 16105716 16-01-K1
070616 000590030 0 1 196 10 16105722 16-01-K1
070616 000590030 0 3 193 10 16105726 16-01-K1
070616 000711420 0 1 192 10 16105706 40-01-K1
080616 000590120 1 0 193 21 31456 37- - 000590120
080616 000590120 1 0 194 21 31456 37- - 000590120
080616 000710030 2 0 196 21 630076 21- - 000710030
080616 000710030 2 0 198 21 630076 21- - 000710030
080616 000710030 4 0 202 21 630076 21- - 000710030
080616 000710136 0 1 201 10 16105769 15-01-F4
090616 000590178 2 0 203 21 491379 49- - 000590178
090616 000710030 0 1 202 10 16105842 21-01-P0
090616 000710030 0 4 198 10 16105843 21-01-P0
- -
BA=10 Entlast. durch Lieferschein BA=11 Belast. durch Lieferschein
BA=20 Entlast. durch PV-Schein BA=21 Belast. durch PV-Schein
BA=22 Entlast. durch MRV-/Lieferschein BA=23 Belast. durch MRV- /Lieferschein
BA=30 Entlast. durch Querverkehr BA=31 Belast. durch Querverkehr
BA=50 Entlast. durch Korrektur BA=51 Belast. durch Korrektur
BA=70 Entlast. durch Inventurangleich BA=71 Belast. durch Inventurangleich
BA=NE Entlast. durch NeG neutr. Buch. BA=NB Belast. durch NeG neutr. Buch.
BA=NK Neukauf BA=VS Verschrottung
BA=NW Neukauf Wertersatz BA=NR Neukauf Recycling
BA=VR Verschrottung Recycling
LISON Kontoauszug 10.07.2016 20:13
Monat/Jahr: 06.16 Seite: 2
And so on for thousands of lines... I need a list(maybe?) or a np.array (if it's better) that is made of every columns of the txt (B-Dat Abs/Empfae BEL etc.) + the LT code of every line.
The TXT is like "For this LT code, these movement are made... In this day, with this ID, this quantity are gone"
I just write this code, but I don't know how to procede... I've tried both np and also standard modules...
with open("elementi/june/VW.txt", "r") as ins:
testo_VW = [] # lines length 77 chars
for line in ins:
codiceCasse = [
indiciVW = []
codcasseVW = []
b_dat = [] # array di date prese dal file VW
abs_empfae = []
bel = []
entl = []
bel_nr = []
wk_lg_lr = []
count = 0
for i in range(0, len(testo_VW)):
if any(x in testo_VW[i] for x in codiceCasse): # ----> trovo i numeri delle casse nel txt
riga = testo_VW[i]
codice_cassa = riga[8:14]
i += 6
count += 1
Can you please give me any advice? Or maybe something for implementing the code...
Thank you in advance.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1885
Reputation: 46759
One approach would be to read the file in a line at a time and use a regular expression to decide if it is one of the data lines. If it is, append to a list. You will also need to keep a note of the LT line and append it to any following data lines as follows:
import re
data = []
lt = 'unknown'
with open('input.txt') as f_input:
for row in f_input:
data_row = re.match(r'(\d+) +(\d+) +(\d+) +(\d+) +(\d+) +(\d+) +(\d+) +(.{8}) +(.*)|LT +: (\w+)', row)
if data_row:
if data_row.groups()[0]:
data.append([lt] + list(data_row.groups()[:-1]))
lt = data_row.groups()[-1]
print data
This would give you the following to work with:
[['VW0012', '050416', '000590178', '0', '1', '169', '50', '16103483', '49-12-00', 'FERSR IM SY'], ['VW0012', '050416', '000590178', '0', '1', '168', '50', '16103484', '49-16-00', 'FERSR IM SY'], ['VW0012', '210516', '000590120', '1', '0', '164', '51', '36873', '37- - ', '000590120'], ['VW0012', '230516', '000590178', '1', '0', '165', '51', '16105229', '49-16-00', 'MPYTRRIN'], ['VW0012', '310516', '000590030', '2', '0', '163', '51', '697321', '26- - ', 'KOR.GJKE.MB'], ['VW0012', '010616', '000590120', '2', '0', '162', '21', '39694', '37- - ', '000590120'], ['VW0012', '010616', '000710030', '12', '0', '174', '21', '627948', '21- - ', '000710030'], ['VW0012', '060616', '000590030', '41', '0', '207', '21', '698299', '26- - ', '000590030'], ['VW0012', '080616', '000590120', '1', '0', '193', '21', '31456', '37- - ', '000590120'], ['VW0012', '080616', '000590120', '1', '0', '194', '21', '31456', '37- - ', '000590120'], ['VW0012', '080616', '000710030', '2', '0', '196', '21', '630076', '21- - ', '000710030'], ['VW0012', '080616', '000710030', '2', '0', '198', '21', '630076', '21- - ', '000710030'], ['VW0012', '080616', '000710030', '4', '0', '202', '21', '630076', '21- - ', '000710030'], ['VW0012', '090616', '000590178', '2', '0', '203', '21', '491379', '49- - ', '000590178']]
Upvotes: 1