
Reputation: 3688

Creating a tree/deeply nested dict with lists from an indented text file

I want to iterate through a file and put the contents of each line into a deeply nested dict, the structure of which is defined by leading whitespace. This desire is very much like that documented here. I've solved that but now have the problem of handling the case where repeating keys are overwritten instead of being cast into a list.


    b:      c
    d:      e
    b:      c2
    d:      e2
    d:      wrench

is cast into {"a":{"b":"c2","d":"wrench"}} when it should be cast into


A self-contained example:

import json

def jsonify_indented_tree(tree):
    #convert indentet text into json
    parsedJson= {}
    parentStack = [parsedJson]
    for i, line in enumerate(tree):
        data = get_key_value(line)
        if data['key'] in parsedJson.keys(): #if parent key is repeated, then cast value as list entry
            # stuff that doesn't work
#            if isinstance(parsedJson[data['key']],list):
#                parsedJson[data['key']].append(parsedJson[data['key']])
#            else:
#                parsedJson[data['key']]=[parsedJson[data['key']]]
            print('Hey - Make a list now!')
        if data['value']: #process child by adding it to its current parent
            currentParent = parentStack[-1] #.getLastElement()
            currentParent[data['key']] = data['value']
            if i is not len(tree)-1:
                #determine when to switch to next branch
                level_dif = data['level']-get_key_value(tree[i+1])['level'] #peek next line level
                if (level_dif > 0):
                    del parentStack[-level_dif:] #reached leaf, process next branch
        #group node, push it as the new parent and keep on processing.
            currentParent = parentStack[-1] #.getLastElement()
            currentParent[data['key']] = {}
            newParent = currentParent[data['key']]
    return parsedJson

def get_key_value(line):
    key = line.split(":")[0].strip()
    value = line.split(":")[1].strip()
    level = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
    return {'key':key,'value':value,'level':level}

def pp_json(json_thing, sort=True, indents=4):
    if type(json_thing) is str:
        print(json.dumps(json.loads(json_thing), sort_keys=sort, indent=indents))
        print(json.dumps(json_thing, sort_keys=sort, indent=indents))
    return None

#nested_string=['a:', '\tb:\t\tc', '\td:\t\te', 'a:', '\tb:\t\tc2', '\td:\t\te2']


Upvotes: 1

Views: 1940

Answers (1)


Reputation: 3688

This approach is (logically) a lot more straightforward (though longer):

  1. Track the level and key-value pair of each line in your multi-line string
  2. Store this data in a level keyed dict of lists: {level1:[dict1,dict2]}
  3. Append only a string representing the key in a key-only line: {level1:[dict1,dict2,"nestKeyA"]}
  4. Since a key-only line means the next line is one level deeper, process that on the next level: {level1:[dict1,dict2,"nestKeyA"],level2:[...]}. The contents of some deeper level level2 may itself be just another key-only line (and the next loop will add a new level level3 such that it will become {level1:[dict1,dict2,"nestKeyA"],level2:["nestKeyB"],level3:[...]}) or a new dict dict3 such that {level1:[dict1,dict2,"nestKeyA"],level2:[dict3]
  5. Steps 1-4 continue until the current line is indented less than the previous one (signifying a return to some prior scope). This is what the data structure looks like on my example per line iteration.

    0, {0: []}
    1, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}]}
    2, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}, 'a']}
    3, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}, 'a'], 1: [{'b': 'c'}]}
    4, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}, 'a'], 1: [{'b': 'c'}, {'d': 'e'}]}
    5, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}, {'a': {'d': 'e', 'b': 'c'}}, 'a'], 1: []}
    6, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}, {'a': {'d': 'e', 'b': 'c'}}, 'a'], 1: [{'b': 'c2'}]}
    7, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}, {'a': {'d': 'e', 'b': 'c'}}, 'a'], 1: [{'b': 'c2'}, {'d': 'e2'}]}

    Then two things need to happen. 1: the list of dict need to be inspected for containing duplicate keys and any of those duplicated dict's values combined in a list - this will be demonstrated in a moment. 2: as can be seen between iteration 4 and 5, the list of dicts from the deepest level (here 1) are combined into one dict... Finally, to demonstrate duplicate handling observe:

    [7b, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}, {'a': {'d': 'e', 'b': 'c'}}, 'a'], 1: [{'b': 'c2'}, {'d': 'e2'}, {'d': 'wrench'}]}]
    [7c, {0: [{'k': 'sds'}, {'a': {'d': 'e', 'b': 'c'}}, {'a': {'d': ['wrench', 'e2'], 'b': 'c2'}}], 1: []}]

    where wrench and e2 are placed in a list that itself goes into a dict keyed by their original key.

  6. Repeat Steps 1-5, hoisting deeper scoped dicts up and onto their parent keys until the current line's scope (level) is reached.

  7. Handle termination condition to combine the list of dict on the zeroth level into a dict.

Here's the code:

import json

def get_kvl(line):
    key = line.split(":")[0].strip()
    value = line.split(":")[1].strip()
    level = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
    return {'key':key,'value':value,'level':level}

def pp_json(json_thing, sort=True, indents=4):
    if type(json_thing) is str:
        print(json.dumps(json.loads(json_thing), sort_keys=sort, indent=indents))
        print(json.dumps(json_thing, sort_keys=sort, indent=indents))
    return None

def jsonify_indented_tree(tree): #convert shitty sgml header into json
    level_map= {0:[]}
    for i, line in enumerate(tree):
        data = get_kvl(line)
        if data['level'] not in level_map.keys():
            level_map[data['level']]=[] # initialize
        level_dif = data['level']-prior_level # +: line is deeper, -: shallower, 0:same
        if data['value']:
        if not data['value'] or i==tree_length:
            if i==tree_length: #end condition
                level_dif = -len(list(level_map.keys()))        
            if level_dif < 0:
                for level in reversed(range(prior_level+level_dif+1,prior_level+1)): # (end, start)
                    #check for duplicate keys in current deepest (child) sibling group,
                    # merge them into a list, put that list in a dict 
                    key_freq={} #track repeated keys
                    for n, dictionary in enumerate(level_map[level]):
                        if current_key in list(key_freq.keys()):
                    for k,v in key_freq.items():
                        if v[0]>1: #key is repeated
                            for index in reversed(v[1]): #merge value of key-repeated dicts into list
                            level_map[level].append({k:duplicates_list}) #push that list into a dict on the same stack it came from
                    if i==tree_length and level==0: #end condition
                        #convert list-of-dict into dict
                        parsed_nest={k:v for d in level_map[level] for k,v in d.items()}
                        #push current deepest (child) sibling group onto parent key
                        key=level_map[level-1].pop() #string
                        #convert child list-of-dict into dict
                        level_map[level-1].append({key:{k:v for d in level_map[level] for k,v in d.items()}})
                        level_map[level]=[] #reset deeper level
    return parsed_nest

nested_string=['k:\t\tsds', #need a starter key,value pair otherwise this won't work... fortunately I always have one


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