Reputation: 4871
Given the table schema defined below (create-table.json
) I am getting the following error after I call put-item
using add-event1.json
followed by add-event2.json
A client error (ConditionalCheckFailedException) occurred when calling the PutItem operation: The conditional request failed
Why doesn't the ConditionExpression allow me to write both records? (I expect to have 2 records after the second operation)
I suspected that it was because of the non-key conditions used, but I don't see anything in the docs that indicates a lack of support for non-key conditions.
Create Table
$ aws dynamodb create-table --cli-input-json file://create-table.json
"TableName": "EVENTS_TEST",
"KeySchema": [
{ "AttributeName": "aggregateId", "KeyType": "HASH" },
{ "AttributeName": "streamRevision", "KeyType": "RANGE" }
"AttributeDefinitions": [
{ "AttributeName": "aggregateId", "AttributeType": "S" },
{ "AttributeName": "streamRevision", "AttributeType": "N" }
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"ReadCapacityUnits": 10,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 10
Add First Record
$ aws dynamodb put-item --cli-input-json file://add-event1.json
"TableName": "EVENTS_TEST",
"Item": {
"aggregateId": { "S": "id" },
"id": { "S": "119" },
"context": { "S": "*" },
"aggregate": { "S": "*" },
"streamRevision": { "N": "0" },
"commitId": { "S": "1119" },
"commitSequence": { "N": "0" },
"commitStamp": { "N": "1470185631511" },
"dispatched": { "BOOL": false },
"payload": { "S": "{ \"event\": \"bla\" }" }
"ExpressionAttributeNames": { "#name": "aggregate" },
"ConditionExpression": "attribute_not_exists(aggregateId) and attribute_not_exists(streamRevision) and #name <> :name and context <> :ctx",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":name": { "S": "*" },
":ctx": { "S": "*" }
Add Second Record
$ aws dynamodb put-item --cli-input-json file://add-event2.json
"TableName": "EVENTS_TEST",
"Item": {
"aggregateId": { "S": "id" },
"id": { "S": "123" },
"context": { "S": "myCtx" },
"aggregate": { "S": "myAgg" },
"streamRevision": { "N": "0" },
"commitId": { "S": "1123" },
"commitSequence": { "N": "0" },
"commitStamp": { "N": "1470185631551" },
"dispatched": { "BOOL": false },
"payload": { "S": "{ \"event\": \"bla2\" }" }
"ExpressionAttributeNames": { "#name": "aggregate" },
"ConditionExpression": "aggregateId <> :id and streamRevision <> :rev and #name <> :name and context <> :ctx",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":id": { "S": "id" },
":rev": { "N": "0" },
":name": { "S": "myAgg" },
":ctx": { "S": "myCtx" }
Upvotes: 23
Views: 121897
Reputation: 825
In my case I got the error because I has Optimistic Lock in the database andaccording to official documentation in aws the client version of the table entry was different from what the server had, In my case there were two services accessing same database and modifying it.
Optimistic locking with version number -
ConditionalCheckFailedException is thrown if:
You use optimistic locking with @DynamoDBVersionAttribute and the version value on the server is different from the value on the client side.
You specify your own conditional constraints while saving data by using DynamoDBMapper with DynamoDBSaveExpression and these constraints failed.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 387
An item with that ID allready exists in the Table.
You need to create a unique ID for the item you try to add.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 712
I received similar error.
The conditional request failed (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ConditionalCheckFailedException; Request ID: SMNKMSKJNSHBSGHVGHSB)
In my case I had not added sort key in my table and my second item had the same primary key as of first item. It worked after I added sort key.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1690
Your goal is to save both records. There are 2 issues here
The combination of hash and range key make a record unique. Event 1 and event 2 have the same values for hash and range key. Therefore the second put-item wil simply overwrite the first record.
The ConditionExpression is evaluated just before putting a record. Your expression fails because when your event 2 is about to be inserted, DynamoDB discovers that a record with aggregateId “id1” already exists. The condition fails on "attribute_not_exists(aggregateId)", and you receive the ConditionalCheckFailedException This expression prevents overwriting of record 1 by record 2.
If you want to save both records you will have to come up with another choice of hash key and/or range key that better represents the unicity of your data item. You can not solve that with a ConditionExpression.
Upvotes: 28