Reputation: 41
Am trying to bring up a ubuntu container in a POD in openshift. I have setup my local docker registry and have configured DNS accordingly. Starting the ubuntu container with just docker works fine without any issues. When I deploy the POD, I can see that my docker ubuntu image is pulled successfully, but doesnt succeed in starting the same. It fails with back-off pulling image error. Is this because my entry point does not have any background process running in side the container ?
"": "[\"top\"]",
Deployment-config :
"kind": "DeploymentConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "ubuntu",
"namespace": "testproject",
"selfLink": "/oapi/v1/namespaces/testproject/deploymentconfigs/ubuntu",
"uid": "e7c7b9c6-4dbd-11e6-bd2b-0800277bbed5",
"resourceVersion": "4340",
"generation": 6,
"creationTimestamp": "2016-07-19T14:34:31Z",
"labels": {
"app": "ubuntu"
"annotations": {
"": "4",
"": "OpenShiftNewApp"
"spec": {
"strategy": {
"type": "Rolling",
"rollingParams": {
"updatePeriodSeconds": 1,
"intervalSeconds": 1,
"timeoutSeconds": 600,
"maxUnavailable": "25%",
"maxSurge": "25%"
"resources": {}
"triggers": [
"type": "ConfigChange"
"type": "ImageChange",
"imageChangeParams": {
"automatic": true,
"containerNames": [
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"namespace": "testproject",
"name": "ubuntu:latest"
"lastTriggeredImage": ""
"replicas": 1,
"test": false,
"selector": {
"app": "ubuntu",
"deploymentconfig": "ubuntu"
"template": {
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": null,
"labels": {
"app": "ubuntu",
"deploymentconfig": "ubuntu"
"annotations": {
"": "[\"top\"]",
"": "OpenShiftNewApp"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "ubuntu",
"image": "",
"resources": {},
"terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
"imagePullPolicy": "Always"
"restartPolicy": "Always",
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"securityContext": {}
"status": {
"latestVersion": 5,
"details": {
"causes": [
"type": "ConfigChange"
"observedGeneration": 5
Upvotes: 0
Views: 885
Reputation: 41
The problem was with the http proxy. After solving that image pull was successful
Upvotes: 0