Reputation: 1
I have a user form with a series of input textboxes and am looking for a way to prevent the user from inputing anything other than 5 digits followed by one letter followed by 4 digits. E.g. 12345A6789
I can see a way to use only numeric and only alphabetic and create three text boxes and then somehow merge them all together- although not sure how to do that either. Ideally there would just be one textbox.
Any help is appreciated
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Views: 3099
Reputation: 1
I came up with a solution that works okay, I'm sure this could be improved to prevent the user inputting special characters but this works well enough to reduce most errors
'Checks that document number is the correct format (5 digits, 1 letter, 4 digits)
Sub TextBox_DocumentNumber_AfterUpdate()
If (IsNumeric(Left(TextBox_DocumentNumber, 5))) = False Then
Call DocumentNumberFormat
ElseIf (IsNumeric(Mid(TextBox_DocumentNumber, 7))) = True Then
Call DocumentNumberFormat
ElseIf (IsNumeric(Right(TextBox_DocumentNumber, 4))) = False Then
Call DocumentNumberFormat
End If
End Sub
Sub DocumentNumberFormat()
Dim DocNum As String
Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
DocNum = MsgBox("Please enter document numbers in the formart 00000-A-0000", vbRetryCancel + vbExclamation, "Incorrect Format")
UserForm3.TextBox_DocumentNumber = ""
If DocNum = vbCancel Then
Call Cancel
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
'Auto inserts hyphens and sets max length for document number
Private Sub TextBox_DocumentNumber_Change()
If Len(TextBox_DocumentNumber) = 5 Then TextBox_DocumentNumber = TextBox_DocumentNumber & "-"
If Len(TextBox_DocumentNumber) = 7 Then TextBox_DocumentNumber = TextBox_DocumentNumber & "-"
TextBox_DocumentNumber.MaxLength = 12
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 22205
The built in Textbox
is a little lacking in this department. The way I'd approach this would be to use the Change
event to enforce formatting. Note that the Key* events won't handle any of the other ways to get text into a Textbox (drag-drop, copy-paste, etc.). Something along these lines (this is for zip + 4, but a similar concept would work):
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Static reentry As Boolean 'anti-recursion flag
If reentry Then Exit Sub
Dim chars() As Byte
chars = StrConv(TextBox1.Text, vbFromUnicode)
Dim buffer As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(chars) To UBound(chars)
If Len(buffer) = 5 Then buffer = buffer & "-" 'auto-insert the dash
If Len(buffer) = 10 Then Exit For 'limit to 10 chars
If chars(i) >= 48 And chars(i) <= 57 Then 'ignore anything but numbers.
buffer = buffer & Chr$(chars(i))
End If
Next i
reentry = True
TextBox1.Text = buffer
reentry = False
End Sub
Upvotes: 1