Reputation: 1357
How do I convert async/await code (Typescript + es6 target)
to using chained Promise.then()
For example:
function mockDelay<T>(getValue:()=>T): Promise<T> {
return new Promise<T>(resolve=>setTimeout(()=>resolve(getValue()), 10));
// Assume blackbox implementation
class Service {
constructor(private i=1, private callCount=0){}
opA() : Promise<number> {
return mockDelay(()=>this.i+=1);
opB(value:number) : Promise<number> {
return mockDelay(()=>this.i+=value);
opC(): Promise<number> {
return mockDelay(()=>this.i+=2);
isA(): Promise<boolean> { return mockDelay(()=>this.callCount%2===0); }
isC(): Promise<boolean> { return mockDelay(() =>true); }
// Convert this async/await code to using chained Promises
async function asyncVersion(): Promise<string[]>{
let expected:string[] = [];
let lib = new Service();
let sum = 20;
let lastValue = 0;
while (sum > 0) {
expected.push(`${sum} left`);
if (await lib.isA())
expected.push("Do A()");
lastValue = await lib.opA();
sum -= lastValue;
expected.push("Do B()");
lastValue = await lib.opB(lastValue);
sum -= lastValue*3;
if (await lib.isC()) {
expected.push("Do C()");
sum += await lib.opC();
expected.push("All completed!");
return expected;
function chainPromiseVersion(): Promise<string[]>{
// How to convert the asyncVersion() to using chained promises?
return Promise.resolve([]);
// Compare results
// Currently running asyncVersion() twice to ensure call results are consistent/no side effects
// Replace asyncVersion() with chainPromiseVersion()
Promise.all([asyncVersion(), asyncVersion() /*chainPromiseVersion()*/])
.then(result =>{
let expected = result[0];
let actual = result[1];
if (expected.length !== actual.length)
throw new Error(`Length: expected ${expected.length} but was ${actual.length}`);
for(let i=0; i<expected.length; i++) {
if (expected[i] !== actual[i]){
throw new Error(`Expected ${expected[i]} but was ${actual[i]}`);
.then(()=>console.log("Test completed"))
.catch(e => console.log("Error: " + e));
I know I can transpile es6 code to es5 using Babel (Github example).
This question is about manually rewriting async/await code to using chained promises.
I can convert simple examples like the following.
// Async/Await
(async function(){
for (let i=0; i<5; i++){
let result = await mockDelay(()=>"Done " + i);
console.log("All done");
// Chained Promises
let chain = Promise.resolve(null);
for (let i=0; i<5; i++){
chain = chain
.then(()=>mockDelay(()=>"Done " + i))
.then(result => console.log(result));
chain.then(()=>console.log("All done"));
But have no idea how to convert the example above, where:
)Upvotes: 2
Views: 18179
Reputation: 1357
Thanks to Bergi's answer, I think I've figured out how to do a step-by-step conversion from async/await to chained promise
I've created a helper function promiseWhile
to help myself:
// Potential issue: recursion could lead to stackoverflow
function promiseWhile(condition:()=>boolean, loopBody: ()=>Promise<any>): Promise<any> {
if (condition()) {
return loopBody().then(()=>promiseWhile(condition, loopBody));
} else {
// Loop terminated
return null;
The steps I've used:
await op()
is hit, convert to return op().then(()=>{...})
is the code after the await
(including assignment from await)// Converted
function chainPromiseVersion(): Promise<string[]>{
let expected:string[] = [];
let lib = new Service();
let sum = 20;
let lastValue = 0;
return promiseWhile(
// Loop condition
// Loop body
()=> {
expected.push(`${sum} left`);
return Promise.resolve(null)
.then(isA => {
if (isA) {
expected.push("Do A()");
return lib.opA()
.then(v =>{
lastValue = v;
sum -= lastValue;
else {
expected.push("Do B()");
return lib.opB(lastValue)
lastValue = v;
sum -= lastValue*3;
return lib.isC().then(isC => {
if (isC) {
expected.push("Do C()");
return lib.opC().then(v => {
sum += v;
}) // if (lib.isA())
}) // End loop body
.then(()=>expected.push("All completed!"))
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 665546
s become then
calls - often nested ones for scoping and control flow to be effective - and loops become recursion. In your case:
(function loop(lib, sum, lastValue){
if (sum > 0) {
console.log(`${sum} left`);
return lib.isA().then(res => {
if (res) {
console.log("Do A()");
return lib.opA().then(lastValue => {
sum -= lastValue;
return loop(lib, sum, lastValue);
} else {
console.log("Do B()");
return lib.opB(lastValue).then(lastValue => {
sum -= lastValue*3;
return lib.isC().then(res => {
if (res) {
console.log("Do C()");
return lib.opC().then(res => {
sum += res;
return loop(lib, sum, lastValue);
return loop(lib, sum, lastValue);
} else {
console.log("All completed!");
return Promise.resolve()
})(new Service(), 20, 0);
Luckily you had no form of break
inside your loop, as that would've made it even more complicated. In general, convert all statements to continuation passing style, then you can defer them where necessary.
Upvotes: 2