Reputation: 190
I have a categorized view, the first column is categorized and ascending.The last column calculates the total. Imagine the view name is called view1 and it looks like the following:
1st column(categorized) | 2nd column | 3rd column (total)
Australia | | 2
| Alex | 1
| Bill | 1
Brazil | | 3
| Alan | 1
| Alice | 1
| Tom | 1
Chile | | 1
| John | 1
Denmark | | 2
| Susan | 1
| Tim | 1
| | 8
I would like to retrieve the total of each categorized column, for example, the total for Australia is 2, the total for Brazil is 3. I browse on the internet and write some code but the result is not success.
Here is my first attempt: I intend to use @DbLookup, for loop and @Count.
var value = sessionScope.Value;
var lookupValue = (@DbLookup(@DbName(),"view1",value,1));
for(var a = 0; a < lookupValue.length; a++)
//try to display the lookupValue and the relevant total
writer.write("<tr><td>"+lookupValue[a]+"<td> "+ @Count(lookupValue[a]) + "</td></tr>");
When I run the code, I get the following result:
Australia 1
Australia 1
Brazil 1
Brazil 1
Brazil 1
Chile 1
Denmark 1
Denmark 1
After the first attempt, I start the second attempt: (please note, most of the code in this part I get from the internet and I just modify a little bit to suit my case)
var myView:NotesView = database.getView('view1');
var vec:NotesViewEntryCollection = myView.getAllEntries();
var viewEnt:NotesViewEntry = vec.getFirstEntry();
while (viewEnt != null)
// try to retrieve the total in the 3rd column
writer.write("<tr><td> "+ 'viewEnt.getColumnValues()[2]' +"</td></tr>");
var tmp = vec.getNextEntry(viewEnt);
viewEnt = tmp;
I run the code and the result is empty. I do not get any total of the categorized column.
I review the code from attempt 1 and attempt 2, I don't understand why I cannot get the total.
I search on the internet again and I found this similar post: Getting a summary count in a view export?
I try to apply the solution in the application:(please note, most of the code in this part I get from that post and I just add the view name in the function)
function getCategoryData(viewName, dataColumn, getChildren) {
var v = database.getView(view1); // change viewName to view1
var nav = v.createViewNav();
var ve = nav.getFirst();
var isFirst = true;
var result = "[";
while (ve) {
if (!ve.isTotal()) {
var curData = ve.getColumnValues();
if (!isFirst) {
result += ",";
result += "{label : \"";
result += curData[0];
result += "\", value : ";
result += curData[dataColumn];
/* for 2 level categories we fetch additional data */
if (getChildren) {
var childve = nav.getChild();
var firstChild = true;
result += ", children : [";
while (childve) {
var childData = childve.getColumnValues();
if (!firstChild) {
result += ",";
result += "{label : \"";
result += childData[1];
result += "\", value : ";
result += childData[dataColumn];
result += "}";
firstChild = false;
childve = nav.getNextSibling(childve);
result += "]"
result += "}";
isFirst = false;
ve = nav.getNextSibling(ve);
result += "]";
return result;
I run the code and I get the result like this:
[{label : "Australia", value : undefined},{label : "Brazil", value : undefined},{label : "Chile", value : undefined},{label : "Denmark", value : undefined}]
After the third attempt, I think the reason that I cannot get the total is I misunderstand the concept about how to get the total in the view.
In fact, what I would like to do is get the total of each categorized column in view1. Therefore, imagine the result will look like this:
Australia 2
Brazil 3
Chile 1
Denmark 2
Actually, I think the first attempt is very close to the result. I feel I missed something in the code (perhaps I guess in the for loop part).
How can I get the total of each categorized column in view?
Grateful for your advice on this issue please. Thank you very much.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 429
Reputation: 1070
You are on the right track with your third attempt. You definitely want to use NotesViewNavigator.
Here is a working example based on your requirements:
* @param viewName Name of the view to navigate
* @param labelColumn Number of the column in the view containing the label
* Note: column count start at 0
* @param dataColumn Number of the column in the view containing
* totals. Note: column count starts at 0
* @return String representing a javascript array of objects containing label and value
function getCategoryData(viewName, labelColumn, dataColumn) {
var v:NotesView = database.getView(viewName);
var nav:NotesViewNavigator = v.createViewNav();
var ve:NotesViewEntry = nav.getFirst(); // first category
var isFirst = true;
var result = "[";
while (ve) {
var curData = ve.getColumnValues();
if (curData[labelColumn] != "") { // skip the total at the bottom of the totals column
if (!isFirst) {
result += ",";
result += "{label : \"";
result += curData[labelColumn];
result += "\", value : ";
result += curData[dataColumn];
result += "}";
isFirst = false;
var tmpentry:NotesViewEntry = nav.getNextCategory();
ve = tmpentry;
result += "]";
return result;
Based on the description of your view and assuming the name of your view is "countries" you would call this function like this:
getCategoryData("countries", 0, 2);
Note: I did not test this function with multiple categorized columns.
Upvotes: 1