Hoang Le
Hoang Le

Reputation: 307

Add a customized x-axis to plot ggplot2 and y-axis as well

I have the following code:

              area=runif(100, 5.0, 7.5))

df$time=factor(df$time, levels=rev(levels(df$time)))  

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=factor(roi), y=time, fill = area)) + 
   theme_minimal() + coord_fixed(ratio=1) + 
   geom_tile(colour = NA, width = 1.5, height = 1) + 

Now, I want to remove the x-axis and add a new one to have the expected fig below. The x-axis will be divided into 4 parts for 4 segs with 39%,23%,23%,15% of axis length for Seg 1, Seg 2, Seg 3, Seg 4, respectively. Could anybody hava any idea to solve it. I apprecicate all response and am looking forward your answers.

Great thanks to Mark Heckmann for helpful answer to my problem. I would like to ask one more thing. I also want to modify the y-axis by "scale_y_discrete", the code ran well but the y-axis label did not meet my expectation. The code I ran is:

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=factor(roi), y=time, fill = area)) + theme_minimal() +coord_fixed(ratio=1) +geom_tile(colour = NA, width = 1.5, height = 1)+scale_fill_gradient(low="black",high="white") +scale_y_discrete(name="Time (min)",expand =c(0.01,0.1),breaks=c(1,2.5,5.0,7.5,10.0),labels=c(0,15,30,45,60))

Thank you very much!

enter image description here

Upvotes: 1

Views: 649

Answers (2)

Mark Heckmann
Mark Heckmann

Reputation: 11441

You need to use annotation_custom to draw outside the plotting area.

#### your plot


g <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=factor(roi), y=time, fill = area)) + 
  theme_minimal() + coord_fixed(ratio=1) +
  geom_tile(colour = NA, width = 1.5, height = 1) + 

Extra code:


# remove axis 
g <- g +  theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(),
              axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
          scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) 

# calculate segment coordinates
segs <- c(.39, .23, .23, .15)
segs_center <- cumsum(segs) - segs/2
seg_ticks <- cumsum(segs)[1:3]
seg_labels <- paste("Seg", seq_along(segs))

# create graphicaal objects and gather as tree
grobs <- grobTree(linesGrob(c(0,1), c(.5,.5)),
                  segmentsGrob(x0=seg_ticks, x1=seg_ticks, y0=0, y1=1),
                  textGrob(x=segs_center, y=0, 
                           label = seg_labels, hjust = .5, gp = gpar(cex =.7)))

# insert grobsTree in as annotation
g <- g + annotation_custom( grob = grobs,  
                            ymin = -.2, ymax = .2, 
                            xmin = .25, xmax = 10.75)

# override clipping for plotting outside of plotting area
gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(g))
gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name == "panel"] <- "off"

enter image description here

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2797

This is as good as I can get without going into custom annotation grobs.

              roi=rep(1:10,10),area=runif(100, 5.0, 7.5)) 
df$time=factor(df$time, levels=rev(levels(df$time)))
p1 <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=factor(roi), y=time, fill = area)) + 
  theme_minimal() +coord_fixed(ratio=1) +
  geom_tile(colour = NA, width = 1.5, height = 1)+
  scale_fill_gradient(low="black",high="white") + 
  scale_x_discrete(breaks = c(4,6,8,10),
                   labels = paste0("Seg",1:4)) +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_line(size =1),
        axis.text.x = element_text(hjust=c(2,1.5,1.5,1.5)),
        plot.margin = unit(c(2,0,2,0), "lines"))

See here if you want to look into drawing the axis labels and tick marks customwise.

Upvotes: 1

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