Reputation: 57
I added file uploading function to my controller, file is stored in the specified directory, but views like update, index, view shows only the name of the file. I need a link or a button to interact with this uploaded file. For example opening file by pressing on this link or button also downloading this file. Could you help me with it?
public function rules()
return [
public function actionCreate()
$model = new Letter();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$model->attachment = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'attachment');
$filename = pathinfo($model->attachment , PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$ext = pathinfo($model->attachment , PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$newFname = $filename.'.'.$ext;
$model->attachment = $newFname;
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
Form View:
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options' => ['enctype'=>'multipart/form-data']]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'attachment')->fileInput() ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4724
Reputation: 920
update your form view like below:
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options' => ['enctype'=>'multipart/form-data']]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'attachment')->fileInput() ?>
/*link to download file*/
<?= Html::a('Download file', ['download', 'id' => $model->id], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
in your controller add new action for download file:
public function actionDownload($id)
$download = Letter::findOne($id);
if (file_exists($path)) {
return Yii::$app->response->sendFile($path);
in your grid view :
<?= GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'columns' => [
['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn'],
'value' => function($data)
Html::a('Download file', ['letter/download', 'id' => $data->id], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']);
]); ?>
Upvotes: 1