Reputation: 301
I had this problem for an entry test for a job. I did not pass the test. I am disguising the question in deference to the company.
Imagine you have N number of people in a park of A X B space. If a person has no other person within 50 feet, he enjoys his privacy. Otherwise, his personal space is violated. Given a set of (x, y), how many people will have their space violated?
For example, give this list in Python:
people = [(0,0), (1,1), (1000, 1000)]
We would find 2 people who are having their space violated: 1, 2.
We don't need to find all sets of people; just the total number of unique people.
You can't use a brute method to solve the problem. In other words, you can't use a simple array within an array.
I have been working on this problem off and on for a few weeks, and although I have gotten a solution faster than n^2, have not come up with a problem that scales.
I think the only correct way to solve this problem is by using Fortune's algorithm?
Here's what I have in Python (not using Fortune's algorithm):
import math
import random
random.seed(1) # Setting random number generator seed for repeatability
TEST = True
NUM_PEOPLE = 10000
PARK_SIZE = 128000 # Meters.
CONFLICT_RADIUS = 500 # Meters.
def _get_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
require: x1, y1, x2, y2: all integers
return: a distance as a float
distance = math.sqrt(math.pow((x1 - x2), 2) + math.pow((y1 - y2),2))
return distance
def check_real_distance(people1, people2, conflict_radius):
determine if two people are too close
if people2[1] - people1[1] > conflict_radius:
return False
d = _get_distance(people1[0], people1[1], people2[0], people2[1])
if d >= conflict_radius:
return False
return True
def check_for_conflicts(peoples, conflict_radius):
# sort people
def sort_func1(the_tuple):
return the_tuple[0]
_peoples = []
index = 0
for people in peoples:
_peoples.append((people[0], people[1], index))
index += 1
peoples = _peoples
peoples = sorted(peoples, key = sort_func1)
conflicts_dict = {}
i = 0
# use a type of sweep strategy
while i < len(peoples) - 1:
x_len = peoples[i + 1][0] - peoples[i][0]
conflict = False
conflicts_list =[peoples[i]]
j = i + 1
while x_len <= conflict_radius and j < len(peoples):
x_len = peoples[j][0] - peoples[i][0]
conflict = check_real_distance(peoples[i], peoples[j], conflict_radius)
if conflict:
people1 = peoples[i][2]
people2 = peoples[j][2]
conflicts_dict[people1] = True
conflicts_dict[people2] = True
j += 1
i += 1
return len(conflicts_dict.keys())
def gen_coord():
return int(random.random() * PARK_SIZE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
people_positions = [[gen_coord(), gen_coord()] for i in range(NUM_PEOPLE)]
conflicts = check_for_conflicts(people_positions, CONFLICT_RADIUS)
print("people in conflict: {}".format(conflicts))
Upvotes: 4
Views: 2688
Reputation: 301
I cam up with an answer that seems to take O(N) time. The strategy is to sort the array by X values. For each X value, sweep left until a conflict is found, or the distance exceeds the conflict distance (500 M). If no conflict is found, sweep left in the same manner. With this technique, you limit the amount of searching.
Here is the code:
import math
import random
random.seed(1) # Setting random number generator seed for repeatability
NUM_PEOPLE = 10000
PARK_SIZE = 128000 # Meters.
CONFLICT_RADIUS = 500 # Meters.
check_real_distance = lambda conflict_radius, people1, people2: people2[1] - people1[1] <= conflict_radius \
and math.pow(people1[0] - people2[0], 2) + math.pow(people1[1] - people2[1], 2) <= math.pow(conflict_radius, 2)
def check_for_conflicts(peoples, conflict_radius):
peoples.sort(key = lambda x: x[0])
conflicts_dict = {}
i = 0
num_checks = 0
# use a type of sweep strategy
while i < len(peoples) :
conflict = False
j = i + 1
#sweep right
while j < len(peoples) and peoples[j][0] - peoples[i][0] <= conflict_radius \
and not conflict and not conflicts_dict.get(i):
num_checks += 1
conflict = check_real_distance(conflict_radius, peoples[i], peoples[j])
if conflict:
conflicts_dict[i] = True
conflicts_dict[j] = True
j += 1
j = i - 1
#sweep left
while j >= 0 and peoples[i][0] - peoples[j][0] <= conflict_radius \
and not conflict and not conflicts_dict.get(i):
num_checks += 1
conflict = check_real_distance(conflict_radius, peoples[j], peoples[i])
if conflict:
conflicts_dict[i] = True
conflicts_dict[j] = True
j -= 1
i += 1
print("num checks is {0}".format(num_checks))
print("num checks per size is is {0}".format(num_checks/ NUM_PEOPLE))
return len(conflicts_dict.keys())
def gen_coord():
return int(random.random() * PARK_SIZE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
people_positions = [[gen_coord(), gen_coord()] for i in range(NUM_PEOPLE)]
conflicts = check_for_conflicts(people_positions, CONFLICT_RADIUS)
print("people in conflict: {}".format(conflicts))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 301
I found a relatively solution to the problem. Sort the list of coordinates by the X value. Then look at each X value, one at a time. Sweep right, checking the position with the next position, until the end of the sweep area is reached (500 meters), or a conflict is found.
If no conflict is found, sweep left in the same manner. This method avoids unnecessary checks. For example, if there are 1,000,000 people in the park, then all of them will be in conflict. The algorithm will only check each person one time: once a conflict is found the search stops.
My time seems to be O(N).
Here is the code:
import math
import random
random.seed(1) # Setting random number generator seed for repeatability
NUM_PEOPLE = 10000
PARK_SIZE = 128000 # Meters.
CONFLICT_RADIUS = 500 # Meters.
check_real_distance = lambda conflict_radius, people1, people2: people2[1] - people1[1] <= conflict_radius \
and math.pow(people1[0] - people2[0], 2) + math.pow(people1[1] - people2[1], 2) <= math.pow(conflict_radius, 2)
def check_for_conflicts(peoples, conflict_radius):
peoples.sort(key = lambda x: x[0])
conflicts_dict = {}
i = 0
num_checks = 0
# use a type of sweep strategy
while i < len(peoples) :
conflict = False
j = i + 1
#sweep right
while j < len(peoples) and peoples[j][0] - peoples[i][0] <= conflict_radius \
and not conflict and not conflicts_dict.get(i):
num_checks += 1
conflict = check_real_distance(conflict_radius, peoples[i], peoples[j])
if conflict:
conflicts_dict[i] = True
conflicts_dict[j] = True
j += 1
j = i - 1
#sweep left
while j >= 0 and peoples[i][0] - peoples[j][0] <= conflict_radius \
and not conflict and not conflicts_dict.get(i):
num_checks += 1
conflict = check_real_distance(conflict_radius, peoples[j], peoples[i])
if conflict:
conflicts_dict[i] = True
conflicts_dict[j] = True
j -= 1
i += 1
print("num checks is {0}".format(num_checks))
print("num checks per size is is {0}".format(num_checks/ NUM_PEOPLE))
return len(conflicts_dict.keys())
def gen_coord():
return int(random.random() * PARK_SIZE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
people_positions = [[gen_coord(), gen_coord()] for i in range(NUM_PEOPLE)]
conflicts = check_for_conflicts(people_positions, CONFLICT_RADIUS)
print("people in conflict: {}".format(conflicts))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9863
Here's my solution to this interesting problem:
from math import sqrt
import math
import random
class Person():
def __init__(self, x, y, conflict_radius=500):
self.position = [x, y]
self.valid = True
self.radius = conflict_radius**2
def validate_people(self, people):
P0 = self.position
for p in reversed(people):
P1 = p.position
dx = P1[0] - P0[0]
dy = P1[1] - P0[1]
dx2 = (dx * dx)
if dx2 > self.radius:
dy2 = (dy * dy)
d = dx2 + dy2
if d <= self.radius:
self.valid = False
p.valid = False
def __str__(self):
p = self.position
return "{0}:{1} - {2}".format(p[0], p[1], self.valid)
class Park():
def __init__(self, num_people=10000, park_size=128000):
self.num_people = num_people
self.park_size = park_size
def gen_coord(self):
return int(random.random() * self.park_size)
def generate(self):
return [[self.gen_coord(), self.gen_coord()] for i in range(self.num_people)]
def naive_solution(data):
sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[0])
len_sorted_data = len(sorted_data)
result = []
for index, pos in enumerate(sorted_data):
print "{0}/{1} - {2}".format(index, len_sorted_data, len(result))
p = Person(pos[0], pos[1])
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
people_positions = Park().generate()
with_conflicts = len(filter(lambda x: x.valid, naive_solution(people_positions)))
without_conflicts = len(filter(lambda x: not x.valid, naive_solution(people_positions)))
print("people with conflicts: {}".format(with_conflicts))
print("people without conflicts: {}".format(without_conflicts))
I'm sure the code can be still optimized further
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7841
You can see this topcoder link and section 'Closest pair'. You can modify the closest pair algorithm so that the distance h is always 50.
So , what you basically do is ,
You can use set in C++ as the binary tree.But I couldn't find if python set supports range query or upper_bound and lower_bound.If someone knows , please point that out in the comments.
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Reputation: 24417
As you can see from the comments, there's lots of approaches to this problem. In an interview situation you'd probably want to list as many as you can and say what the strengths and weaknesses of each one are.
For the problem as stated, where you have a fixed radius, the simplest approach is probably rounding and hashing. k-d trees and the like are powerful data structures, but they're also quite complex and if you don't need to repeatedly query them or add and remove objects they might be overkill for this. Hashing can achieve linear time, versus spatial trees which are n log n, although it might depend on the distribution of points.
To understand hashing and rounding, just think of it as partitioning your space up into a grid of squares with sides of length equal to the radius you want to check against. Each square is given it's own "zip code" which you can use as a hash key to store values in that square. You can compute the zip code of a point by dividing the x and y co-ordinates by the radius, and rounding down, like this:
def get_zip_code(x, y, radius):
return str(int(math.floor(x/radius))) + "_" + str(int(math.floor(y/radius)))
I'm using strings because it's simple, but you can use anything as long as you generate a unique zip code for each square.
Create a dictionary, where the keys are the zip codes, and the values are lists of all the people in that zip code. To check for conflicts, add the people one at a time, and before adding each one, test for conflicts with all the people in the same zip code, and the zip code's 8 neighbours. I've reused your method for keeping track of conflicts:
def check_for_conflicts(peoples, conflict_radius):
index = 0
d = {}
conflicts_dict = {}
for person in peoples:
# check for conflicts with people in this person's zip code
# and neighbouring zip codes:
for offset_x in range(-1, 2):
for offset_y in range(-1, 2):
offset_zip_code = get_zip_code(person[0] + (offset_x * conflict_radius), person[1] + (offset_y * conflict_radius), conflict_radius)
if offset_zip_code in d:
# get a list of people in this zip:
other_people = d[offset_zip_code]
# check for conflicts with each of them:
for other_person in other_people:
conflict = check_real_distance(person, other_person, conflict_radius)
if conflict:
people1 = index
people2 = other_person[2]
conflicts_dict[people1] = True
conflicts_dict[people2] = True
# add the new person to their zip code
zip_code = get_zip_code(person[0], person[1], conflict_radius)
if not zip_code in d:
d[zip_code] = []
d[zip_code].append([person[0], person[1], index])
index += 1
return len(conflicts_dict.keys())
The time complexity of this depends on a couple of things. If you increase the number of people, but don't increase the size of the space you are distributing them in, then it will be O(N2) because the number of conflicts is going to increase quadratically and you have to count them all. However if you increase the space along with the number of people, so that the density is the same, it will be closer to O(N).
If you're just counting unique people, you can keep a count if how many people in each zip code have at least 1 conflict. If its equal to everyone in the zip code, you can early out of the loop that checks for conflicts in a given zip after the first conflict with the new person, since no more uniques will be found. You could also loop through twice, adding all people on the first loop, and testing on the second, breaking out of the loop when you find the first conflict for each person.
Upvotes: 3