Reputation: 1533
I have a number of variables declared in a module such as
module test
use othermod, only: n
integer, dimension(n) :: var0
real, dimension(n) :: var1
real, dimension(n) :: var2
real, dimension(n) :: var1000
end module test
Then I have a subroutine that fills these variables with values. At this point I would like to create an array of arrays with all the variables declared in module test so that I can easily copy or print all variables of a particular (n) at the same time, like dimension(n,allvariablesin module test). For example I would like to do something like array(3,:)=array(2,:). Because this code is part of a very large program I cannot really modify too much, but rather I need to create an array of arrays from all the variables in this module without typing all the variables. How can I easily integrate this change in the current code?
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Views: 220
Reputation: 593
I urge you follow to @Vladimir F's advice and encapsulate your variables inside a derived data type. You can employ the associate
construct to call old codes expecting var0, var1, ..,
etc. Lastly, we can overload the type's name to get a Java style constructor in the code below
module type_MyArray
implicit none
type, public :: MyArray
! type-components
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: var0, var1, var2
! type-bound procedures
procedure :: create => create_my_array
procedure :: destroy => destroy_my_array
end type MyArray
interface MyArray
module procedure my_array_constructor
end interface MyArray
pure function my_array_constructor(n) result (return_value)
! Dummy arguments
integer, intent (in) :: n
type (MyArray) :: return_value
call return_value%create(n)
end function my_array_constructor
pure subroutine create_my_array(self, n)
! Dummy arguments
class(MyArray), intent(in out) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: n
allocate( self%var0(n) )
allocate( self%var1(n) )
allocate( self%var2(n) )
end subroutine create_my_array
pure subroutine destroy_my_array(self)
! Dummy arguments
class(MyArray), intent(in out) :: self
if (allocated(self%var0)) deallocate( self%var0 )
if (allocated(self%var1)) deallocate( self%var1 )
if (allocated(self%var2)) deallocate( self%var2 )
end subroutine destroy_my_array
end module type_MyArray
program main
use type_MyArray, only: MyArray
use old_code, only: do_something
implicit none
type (MyArray) :: foo, bar
! Allocate memory
foo = MyArray(42)
bar = MyArray(4200)
associate( var0 => foo%var0, var1 => bar%var1 )
! Call old code using var0 and var1
call do_something(var0, var1)
end associate
! Release memory
call foo%destroy()
call bar%destroy()
end program main
Upvotes: 1