Reputation: 63
I am trying to write a function in haskell that would take an integer and return a concatenated (number of times the input) string
For Instance,
Input: 3
Output: hi1\nhi2\nhi3
main = do
let str = func 2 ""
putStrLn str
func :: Int -> String -> String
func i str = do
if i>(-1)
then do
str ++ "hi" ++ (show i)
func (i-1) str
else str
Thanking you!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1847
Reputation: 11940
I wonder if 'logarithmic' solution is faster:
main = putStrLn $mul 7 "Hi"
mul :: Int -> String -> String
mul 0 _ = ""
mul 1 s = s
mul _ "" = ""
mul n s = let
(q, r) = n `quotRem` 2
s' = mul q s
in (if r == 1 then s else "") ++ s' ++ s'
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 135257
This is a much more idiomatic solution than using if-else
a function that would take an integer and return a concatenated (number of times the input) string
func :: Int -> String -> String
func 0 s = ""
func n s = s ++ func (n - 1) s
main = putStrLn (func 3 "hi")
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 6463
The easiest way to make your code "work" (I'll explain the double quotes later) is to call func
with the concatenated string as a parameter directly, without intermediate steps:
func :: Int -> String -> String
func i str = do
if i > (-1)
then func (i-1) (str ++ "hi" ++ (show i) ++ "\n")
else str
I also added the newline character to the output, which means that the last character of the result will be a new line. Therefore it is better to write
let str = func 2 ""
putStr str
That way you'll avoid an extra new line at the end.
I wrote "works" in double quotes in the first sentence, because my code prints
You need to modify func
so that the lines are printed in reverse order. Hint: you can store the lines in a list and reverse the list at the end.
P.S. I'm not sure whether zero should be a valid suffix. If not, then you have to change the condition in your if
Upvotes: 1