Reputation: 24627
I'm cutting my teeth on Play using the book Reactive Web Applications: Covers Play, Akka, and Reactive Streams. Chapter 4, among other things, teaches how to write a filter, but the code shown in the book doesn't compile, because in Play 2.4.x, Result.body
used to be Enumerator[Array[Byte]]
and in 2.5.x it is play.api.http.HttpEntity
My version of the filter is as below:
class ScoreFilter @Inject()(implicit val mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext) extends Filter {
override def apply(nextFilter: (RequestHeader) => Future[Result])(rh: RequestHeader) =
nextFilter(rh).map { result =>
if (result.header.status == OK || result.header.status == NOT_ACCEPTABLE) {
val correct = result.session(rh).get("correct").getOrElse(0)
val wrong = result.session(rh).get("wrong").getOrElse(0)
val score = s"\nYour current score is: $correct correct " +
s"answers and $wrong wrong answers"
val contentType = result.body.contentType
val scoreByteString = ByteString(score.getBytes(UTF_8))
val maybeNewBody =
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val newBody = Await.result(maybeNewBody, 10 seconds)
result.copy(body = Strict(newBody, contentType))
} else {
In the book:
// result.body returns a play.api.http.HttpEntity which doesn't have an andThen method
val newBody = result.body andThen Enumerator(score.getBytes(UTF_8))
result.copy(body = newBody)
As you can see, my version of the filter works but it blocks on the future. I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this without blocking?
P.S.: Before dismissing my question as duplicate, please be aware that I've read all of the following threads and they convert the response body into a string, which isn't what I want.
Scala play http filters: how to find the request body
Play framework filter that modifies json request and response
Play 2.4: intercept and modify response body
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2287
Reputation: 1483
if you want to avoid Await.result
, you can do:
nextFilter(rh).flatMap { result =>
maybeNewBody map { newBody =>
result.copy(body = Strict(newBody, contentType))
} else Future.successful(result)
(note the change of map
to flatMap
Upvotes: 2