Reputation: 4027
Lets say one has 600 annotated semantic segmentation mask images, which contain 10 different colors, each representing one entity. These images are in a numpy array of shape (600, 3, 72, 96), where n = 600, 3 = RGB channels, 72 = height, 96 = width.
How to map each RGB-pixel in the numpy array to a color-index-value? For example, a color list would be [(128, 128, 0), (240, 128, 0), ...n], and all (240, 128, 0) pixels in the numpy array would be converted to index value in unique mapping (= 1).
How to do this efficiently and with less code? Here's one solution I came up with, but it's quite slow.
# Input imgs.shape = (N, 3, H, W), where (N = count, W = width, H = height)
def unique_map_pixels(imgs):
original_shape = imgs.shape
# imgs.shape = (N, H, W, 3)
imgs = imgs.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)
# tupleview.shape = (N, H, W, 1); contains tuples [(R, G, B), (R, G, B)]
tupleview = imgs.reshape(-1, 3).view(imgs.dtype.descr * imgs.shape[3])
# get unique pixel values in images, [(R, G, B), ...]
uniques = list(np.unique(tupleview))
# map uniques into hashed list ({"RXBXG": 0, "RXBXG": 1}, ...)
uniqmap = {}
idx = 0
for x in uniques:
uniqmap["%sX%sX%s" % (x[0], x[1], x[2])] = idx
idx = idx + 1
if idx >= np.iinfo(np.uint16).max:
raise Exception("Can handle only %s distinct colors" % np.iinfo(np.uint16).max)
# imgs1d.shape = (N), contains RGB tuples
imgs1d = tupleview.reshape(
# imgsmapped.shape = (N), contains uniques-index values
imgsmapped = np.empty((len(imgs1d))).astype(np.uint16)
# map each pixel into unique-pixel-ID
idx = 0
for x in imgs1d:
str = ("%sX%sX%s" % (x[0], x[1] ,x[2]))
imgsmapped[idx] = uniqmap[str]
idx = idx + 1
imgsmapped.shape = (original_shape[0], original_shape[2], original_shape[3]) # (N, H, W)
return (imgsmapped, uniques)
Testing it:
import numpy as np
n = 30
pixelvalues = (np.random.rand(10)*255).astype(np.uint8)
images = np.random.choice(pixelvalues, (n, 3, 72, 96))
(mapped, pixelmap) = unique_map_pixels(images)
assert len(pixelmap) == mapped.max()+1
assert mapped.shape == (len(images), images.shape[2], images.shape[3])
assert pixelmap[mapped[int(n*0.5)][60][81]][0] == images[int(n*0.5)][0][60][81]
print("Done: %s" % list(mapped.shape))
Upvotes: 4
Views: 3166
Reputation: 31
This is what I do:
def rgb2mask(img):
if img.shape[0] == 3:
img = img.rollaxis(img, 0, 3)
W = np.power(256, [[0],[1],[2]])
img_id =
values = np.unique(img_id)
mask = np.zeros(img_id.shape)
cmap = {}
for i, c in enumerate(values):
idx = img_id==c
mask[idx] = i
cmap[tuple(img[idx][0])] = i
return mask, cmap
If you want to map values according to an already existing dictionary, check out my answer on this thread: Convert RGB image to index image
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 96
I have an image of 3 channels. I have pixel values of 3 channels that if a pixel has these 3 values in its 3 channels then it belongs to class 'A'. Basically I want to generate an array of channels equal to number of classes with each class separate in a particular channel. This can be done
seg_channel = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], num_classes))
pixel_class_dict={'1': [128, 64, 128]. '2': [230, 50, 140]} #num_classes=2
for channel in range(num_classes):
pixel_value= pixel_class_dict[str(channel)]
for i in range(image.shape[0]):
for j in range(image.shape[1]):
if list(image[i][j])==pixel_value:
There is another way also to do this efficiently
import numpy as np
import cv2
for class_id in self.pixel_class_dict:
class_color = np.array(self.pixel_class_dict:[class_id])
seg_channel[:, :, class_id] = cv2.inRange(mask, class_color, class_color).astype('bool').astype('float32')
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 221674
Here's a compact vectorized approach without those error checks -
def unique_map_pixels_vectorized(imgs):
N,H,W = len(imgs), imgs.shape[2], imgs.shape[3]
img2D = imgs.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1,3)
ID = np.ravel_multi_index(img2D.T,img2D.max(0)+1)
_, firstidx, tags = np.unique(ID,return_index=True,return_inverse=True)
return tags.reshape(N,H,W), img2D[firstidx]
Runtime test and verification -
In [24]: # Setup inputs (3x smaller than original ones)
...: N,H,W = 200,24,32
...: imgs = np.random.randint(0,10,(N,3,H,W))
In [25]: %timeit unique_map_pixels(imgs)
1 loop, best of 3: 2.21 s per loop
In [26]: %timeit unique_map_pixels_vectorized(imgs)
10 loops, best of 3: 37 ms per loop ## 60x speedup!
In [27]: map1,unq1 = unique_map_pixels(imgs)
...: map2,unq2 = unique_map_pixels_vectorized(imgs)
In [28]: np.allclose(map1,map2)
Out[28]: True
In [29]: np.allclose(np.array(map(list,unq1)),unq2)
Out[29]: True
Upvotes: 5