Reputation: 24623
I want to get a list which has nth version deleted from the original list. I could manage following code which is imperative:
(define (list-removeN slist n)
(define outl '())
(for ((i (length slist)))
(when (not (= i n))
(set! outl (cons (list-ref slist i) outl))))
(reverse outl))
What can be the functional equivalent of this? I tried for/list, but I have to insert #f or at that position, removing which is not ideal because #f or may occur at other positions in list also.
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You can do it recursively with an accumulator. Something like
#lang racket
(define (remove-nth lst n)
(let loop ([i 0] [lst lst])
(cond [(= i n) (rest lst)]
[else (cons (first lst) (loop (add1 i) (rest lst)))])))
(remove-nth (list 0 1 2 3 4 5) 3)
(remove-nth (list 0 1 2 3) 3)
(remove-nth (list 0 1 2) 0)
This produces
'(0 1 2 4 5)
'(0 1 2)
'(1 2)
You could do it with for/list
but this version traverses the list twice because of the length
(define (remove-nth lst n)
(for/list ([i (length lst)]
[elem lst]
#:when (not (= i n)))
There's also split-at
, but again this may not be as optimal as it creates two lists and appends them.
(define (remove-nth lst n)
(let-values ([(left right) (split-at lst n)])
(append left (rest right))))
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A typical roll your own implementation that is recursive and uses O(n) time and O(n) space.
(define (remove-nth lst i)
(let aux ((lst lst) (i i))
(cond ((null? lst) '()) ;; what if (< (length lst) i)
((<= i 0) (cdr lst)) ;; what if (< i 0)
(else (cons (car lst)
(aux (cdr lst) (sub1 i)))))))
A interative version that uses append-reverse from srfi-1. O(n) time and O(1) space.
(define (remove-nth lst i)
(let aux ((lst lst) (i i) (acc '()))
(cond ((null? lst) (reverse acc)) ;; what if (< (length lst) i)
((<= i 0) (append-reverse acc (cdr lst))) ;; what if (< i 0)
(else (aux (cdr lst) (sub1 i) (cons (car lst) acc))))))
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