Reputation: 4273
I have a pretty big (~14MB) *.jpeg
in my bookdown project (or rmarkdown website, doesn't really matter, I think).
This is an external, static image, not touched by R (so far).
I'm calling the picture like so:
```{r q-pic, echo=FALSE, out.width="100%", fig.cap="Q-Sorting during the 2016 CiviCon", dpi = 72}
include_graphics(path = "img/q-sorting3.jpg")
I've also set retina via opts_knit$set(fig.retina = 2)
I don't really care how huge the PDF is, but obviously, a ~14MB image on a website is pretty bad.
Is there a way that some element of the knitr()
toolchain can automatically rescale images to a specified, appropriate resolution?
I naively assumed that if both out.width
and dpi
were specified, that the image would be rescaled (ie.: smaller file size) behind the curtains, but that either appears not to be the case, or I'm using it wrong.
Ps.: I understand that there's a possibility to specifiy a dpi
and then have knitr
figure out an appropriate size; that's not my concern. I'd like, sort of, the inverse of that.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 752
Reputation: 4273
I've now also implemented a compression and re-scaling function in plain R. It's not fast, an it may be clumsy, but it get's the job done.
resize_n_compress <- function(file_in, file_out, xmax = 1920, quality = 0.7, cutoff = 100000) {
# xmax <- 1920 # y pixel max
# quality <- 0.7 # passed on to jpeg::writeJPEG()
# cutoff <- 100000 # files smaller than this will not be touched
# file_out <- "test.jpg"
if (file.size(file_in) < cutoff) { # in this case, just copy file
if (!(file_in == file_out)) {
file.copy(from = file_in, to = file_out, overwrite = TRUE)
} else {# if larger than cutoff
image_raw <- imager::load.image(file = file_in)
if (dim(image_raw)[1] > xmax) { # resize only when larger
x_pix <- xmax # just in case we want to calculate this, too at some point
x_factor <- xmax/dim(image_raw)[1]
y_pix <- round(dim(image_raw)[2] * x_factor)
image_resized <- imager::resize(im = image_raw, size_x = x_pix, size_y = y_pix)
} else {# otherwise take raw
image_resized <- image_raw
saveme <- = image_resized)
jpeg::writeJPEG(image = saveme, target = file_out, quality = quality) # this overwrites by default
Also see these related issues on knitr and blogdown.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4960
I think the only way to adjust the actual image size (and not just how it is scaled in the HTML) is to load the image into R and rasterize it:
```{r fig.width=3}
img <- readJPEG("test.jpg")
(Rasterization approach adapted from: How to set size for local image using knitr for markdown?)
This will result in a smaller image/HTML file.
Upvotes: 5