Reputation: 179
I am trying to create a line chart with chart.js library, my goal is that the chart should be a single line, the area under it MUST NOT BE FILLED.
But whatever color I put, I dont see that its getting refreshed.
this is the JS that generates the chart.
<table style="width: 100%">
<td style="width: 50%; text-align: center">
<canvas id="canvasForLineChart" height="200" width="400">Chart is Loading...</canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Line Chart JSON Config (Line Chart Has fixed 1 data series here)
var lineChartData = {
//labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
datasets: [
fill: false,
lineTension: 0.1,
//backgroundColor: "#000000",
//borderColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
borderCapStyle: 'butt',
borderDash: [],
borderDashOffset: 0.0,
borderJoinStyle: 'miter',
//pointBorderColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
pointBackgroundColor: "#fff",
pointBorderWidth: 1,
pointHoverRadius: 5,
//pointHoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
//pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
pointRadius: 1,
pointHitRadius: 10,
data: [0]
//LineChart Update method
function UpdateLineChart(data) {
//Set data returned from Server
//lineChartData.datasets[0].fillColor = data.colorString;
lineChartData.datasets[0].data = data.lineChartData;
lineChartData.labels = data.hora;
//Update the Pie Chart
var canvasForLineChart = document.getElementById("canvasForLineChart");
var context2DLine = canvasForLineChart.getContext("2d");
new Chart(context2DLine).Line(lineChartData);
But my result is this:
And I want something like this:
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Views: 1511
Reputation: 1114
According to the Chart JS Docs, you'll want to specify:
fill: false
in your chart options. Your code would look something like this:
function UpdateLineChart(data) {
//Set data returned from Server
lineChartData.datasets[0].data = data.lineChartData;
lineChartData.labels = data.hora;
//Update the Pie Chart
var canvasForLineChart = document.getElementById("canvasForLineChart");
var context2DLine = canvasForLineChart.getContext("2d");
var myChart = new Chart(context2DLine, {
data: {
datasets: [{
fill: false,
lineTension: 0.1,
borderCapStyle: 'butt',
borderDash: [],
borderDashOffset: 0.0,
borderJoinStyle: 'miter',
pointBackgroundColor: "#fff",
pointBorderWidth: 1,
pointHoverRadius: 5,
pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
pointRadius: 1,
pointHitRadius: 10,
data: [0]
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 689
fill: false
should do the work, where do you call the UpdateLineChart function?
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 187
backgroundColor 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'
That should set your opacity to .1, you can go to zero I think but you should test it. I see you commented out the border color you had set to 1 opacity which is solid.
Upvotes: 1