Reputation: 67
i ended up with the below data using pig latin.
now i need to find the max of the first digit(1/2/3) then display that whole tuple. I expect the output as 3,b.
please help me how to write this in pig latin.
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Views: 748
Reputation: 79
Let us load and group the relation named emp
and then find that emp
which has maximum salary.
emp = load '' USING PigStorage() AS (employee_id:int, employee_name:chararray, job:chararray, mgr:int, hiredate:datetime, salary:int, commission:int, department_no:int);
emp_salary_id_mgr = foreach emp generate salary, employee_name;
emp_grouped = group emp_salary_id_mgr all;
Let us describe the grouped relation
emp_grouped: {group: chararray,emp_salary_id_mgr: {(salary: int,employee_name: chararray)}}
Let us find max salary
sal_max = foreach emp_grouped generate MAX(emp_salary_id_mgr.salary) AS max_salary_val;
But we need to find entire row (10000,KPIYA) so let us perform join
emp_grouped_join_sal_max = JOIN emp_grouped by emp_salary_id_mgr.salary , sal_max BY max_salary_val;
--Error message 'Cannot merge join keys, incompatible types'
Now we need to flatten bag so that we can perform JOIN
emp_grouped_flattened = foreach emp_grouped GENERATE FLATTEN($1);
emp_joined_maxsal = JOIN emp_grouped_flattened by emp_salary_id_mgr::salary, sal_max by max_salary_val;
emp_output = foreach emp_joined_maxsal generate TOTUPLE(emp_grouped_flattened::emp_salary_id_mgr::salary,emp_grouped_flattened::emp_salary_id_mgr::employee_name);
The output comes as below which is same as desired
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 67
flattensum1 = FOREACH sumcolors1 GENERATE
orderflattensum1 = ORDER flattensum1 by $0 desc;
limitorderflattensum1 = LIMIT orderflattensum1 1;
I went a step back with my data. i took this one as input (1,a),(3,b),(2,d) instead of grouping them, i used the above statements to make them as individual rows and then ordering it by desc. then limited the rows to 1.
anyway thanks for your responses. i am going to try your responses as well.
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Reputation: 1182
Steps to get max:
A = load 'pdemo/sample' using Pigstorage(',') as(id:int,name:chararray);
grp = group A all;
res = foreach grp generate MAX( as max;
ij = join A by id,res by max;
fresult = foreach ij generate A::id,A::name;
dump fresult
Hope this will help..
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