Reputation: 55
First of all, similar questions have been answered in past but not exactly the one I have. In some other solutions, hiding folders/files and changing attributes were suggested and I do not want this, unless there is no simpler way available. Also, I have tried the solution suggested here (and couple of others): MS-DOS command to delete all files except one.
But did not work for my need due to two reasons:
So, I have folder c:/users/data
and in there, I have 5 folders and 6 files I want to delete everything except one which is web.config
and to do that I run the batch file like this:
@echo off
for %%j in (C:\Users\data\*) do if not %%j == Web.config del %%j
But when I run the batch file, this deletes all the files including web.config
and also, does not delete any of the sub-folders and if I use the /d
switch then it only deletes folders not files. How can I delete both files and folders?
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Views: 4104
Reputation: 34989
Here is the way I would do it:
pushd "C:\Users\data" || exit /B 1
for /D %%D in ("*") do (
rd /S /Q "%%~D"
for %%F in ("*") do (
if /I not "%%~nxF"=="web.config" del "%%~F"
The basic code is taken from my answer to the question Deleting Folder Contents but not the folder but with the del
command replaced by a second for
loop that walks through all files and deletes only those not named web.config
Note that this approach does not touch the original parent directory, neither does it touch the original file web.config
. The great advantage of this fact is that no attributes are going to be lost (for instance, creation date and owner).
; in case of failure, skip the rest of the script;for /D
loop and delete them recursively by rd /S
with all their contents;for
loop; use the ~nx
modifier of the loop variable to expand base name (n
) and extension (x
) of each file, compare it with the given file name (if
) in a case-insensitive manner (/I
) and delete the file by del
only in case it does not match (not
finally;The main problems in your code are:
command only which just deletes files; to remove directories, you needed to use rd
also.Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 55
I also managed to do it, very similar to @aschipfl
For /D %%k in (C:\Users\data) do (For /d %%m in ("%%k\*") do rmdir /s /q "%%m"
For %%m in ("%%k\*") do if not %%m == %%k\Web.config del /q "%%m")
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Reputation: 70971
I'm not sure where the web.config file is stored or if there is more than one, so ...
Only one web.config
Just lock the file (redirect the file as input) and remove anything else
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
pushd "c:\users\data" && >nul 2>nul (
<"web.config" rmdir . /s /q
The code will
) Change to the target folder (we need to be sure this will remove information only from the intended place) setting it as the current active directory and locking it (we can not remove the current active directory). If the command can change to the folder then
) Redirect the web.config
as input to the rmdir
command. This will lock the file so it can not be deleted until the command ends. The rmdir . /s /q
remove anything not locked inside (and below) the current active directory
) Cancel the pushd
command restoring the previous active directory
Several web.config
files in multiple folders
Following the approach (copy, clean, restore) pointed by @Dominique
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
pushd "c:\users\data" && >nul 2>nul (
for %%t in ("%temp%\%~n0_%random%%random%%random%.tmp") do (
robocopy . "%%~ft" web.config /s
robocopy "%%~ft" . /mir
rmdir "%%~ft" /s /q
The code will
) Change to the target folder (we need to be sure this will remove information only from the intended place). If the command can change to the folder then
) Prepare a reference (a random name) to a temporary folder to use
) Copy only the web.config
files (and their folder hierarchy) from the source folder to the temporary folder
) Mirror the temporary folder to the source folder. This will remove any file/folder not included in the temporary copy
) Remove the temporary folder
) Cancel the pushd
command restoring the previous active directory
Once the web.config
files are saved, as the files in the source will match those in the temporay folder, they will not be copied back with the second robocopy
call, but any file/folder in source that is not present in the temporary folder will be removed to mirror the structure in the temporary folder.
Upvotes: 1