Reputation: 880
I'm using Gradle. Usually I'm build the FAT jar. There was no problem, but at this time, I also need to make NON-FAT jar.
I mean I want to exclude all depended library and run jar with -cp
option like the following:
java -cp "/sample1/lib/myjar.jar:/sample2/lib/depended.jar" com.example.main.Runner
(In FAT jar, java -jar myjar.jar
is the same thing and its contains depended.jar
Here is my build.gradle
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'application'
jar.baseName = 'myjar'
version = ''
def mainClass = 'com.example.main.Runner'
mainClassName = mainClass
def defaultEncoding = 'UTF-8'
repositories {
flatDir dirs: "${projectDir}/libs"
dependencies {
compile ':commons-chain:1.2'
compile ':commons-io:2.4'
testCompile ':junit:4.12'
testCompile ':hamcrest-core:1.3'
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Implementation-Version': version,
'Main-Class': mainClass
from {configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }}
I still want to keep this for usual FAT jar creation. So, I tried to append a task like the following:
TRY #1
task makeSlimJar {
jar.baseName = 'myjar.slim'
jar {
manifest {
// remove main class
attributes 'Implementation-Version': version
from {configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }}
TRY #2
task makeSlimJar {
jar.baseName = 'myjar.slim'
jar {
manifest {
// remove main class
attributes 'Implementation-Version': version
from {configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }}
TRY #3
task makeSlimJar {
jar.baseName = 'myjar.slim'
jar {
manifest {
// remove main class
attributes 'Implementation-Version': version
from {configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }}
dependsOn Jar
After appended it, I ran the gradle makeSlimJar
All of the above my tries were failed(programmatically, it were succeeded) and just created FAT jar with name myjar.slim.jar
Is there way to live together FAT and NON-FAT jar on the same build.gradle
... Or am I something wrong?
I consider that removing apply plugin: 'application'
for NON-FAT jar is my last resort.
Please help me, if you could.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4493
Reputation: 5652
the code which is actually adding the dependencies to your jar is this line:
from {configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }}
your build script will normally build a 'slim jar' by default, except that you have added code to override this behaviour:
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Implementation-Version': version,
'Main-Class': mainClass
from {configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }}
I would recommend removing these lines. When you run gradle clean build
this will then build a normal jar (with no dependencies).
You could then add an additional task to create your 'fatjar' like this:
task fatjar << {
jar.doFirst {
println "creating fatjar"
jar {
from {configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }}
You can use this task to build the fatjar by running gradle clean fatjar build
Alternatively you could try looking at a framework such as springboot, which would do all this for you.
Upvotes: 2