Reputation: 3697
I trying to use gVim with dbext plugin. The settings in my _vimrc are:
let g:dbext_default_profile_myoradb = 'type=DBI:driver=Oracle:user=ora1:passwd=ora1:conn_parms=myoradbr:driver_parms=AutoCommit=0;CommitOnDisconnect=0'
let g:dbext_default_profile = 'myoradb'
if i execute simple statement in my buffer e.g.: SELECT * FROM emp;
I get the following message:
Connection: T(DBI) I(Oracle) C(myoradbr) P(AutoCommit=0;CommitOnDisconnect=0) U(ora1) at 14:59
E. DBQp:SQLCode:911:ORA-00911: invalid character (DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*> indicator at char 21 in ' SELECT * FROM emp<*>;'):S1000
To change connection parameters:
:DBSetOption user|passwd|dsnname|srvname|dbname|host|port|...=<value>
:DBSetOption user=tiger:passwd=scott
Last command(rc=0):
perl DBI
Last SQL:
Without ';' or in the visual mode (if ';' not a part of the selection) it works fine. It seems that the dbext does not recognize the semicolon on the end of statement.
Global cmd_terminator seems properly set to ';'
Connection: T(DBI) I(Oracle) C(myoradbr) P(AutoCommit=0;CommitOnDisconnect=0) U(ora1) at 15:03
** Connection Options **
profile = myoradb
type = DBI
integratedlogin =
user = ora1
passwd = ora1
dsnname =
srvname =
dbname =
host =
port =
extra =
bin_path =
login_script =
driver = Oracle
conn_parms = myoradbr
driver_parms = AutoCommit=0;CommitOnDisconnect=0
cmd_terminator = ;
What goes wrong? The google search returns nearly nothing.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 221
Reputation: 3697
I mailed the plugin maintainer. Ending a statement with a semicolon is not working now. The change to get it fixed will be part of release 24.00.
Upvotes: 2