I'm making a Applescript service that receives selected text and opens a google query with this text. This was the first version of it:
on run {input, parameters}
set myBrowser to" & input as text
set the_url to "Safari" as text
tell application myBrowser
open location "" & input
set the bounds of the front window to {100, 22, 800, 1024}
end tell
end run
This one above works well. The problem came when I tried to make the browser open a new page with the query, instead of a new tab. I had to come up with a solution for it not opening two tabs at the new window, as it would happen when the script is triggered and Safari is closed:
on run {input, parameters}
set the_url to "" & input
set myBrowser to "Safari" as text
set aWindowIsOpen to false
tell application myBrowser
repeat with thisWindow in windows
if (not miniaturized of thisWindow) then
set aWindowIsOpen to true
end if
end repeat
if (aWindowIsOpen) then
make new document with properties {URL:the_url}
set the bounds of the front window to {100, 22, 800, 1024}
make new document with properties {URL:the_url}
set the bounds of the front window to {100, 22, 800, 1024}
end if
end tell
end run
So the problem now is that the browser won't open the URL. Any thoughs?
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Use tell application "Safari"
instead of tell application myBrowser
Or, use using terms from application "Safari"
, like this:
set myBrowser to "Safari" using terms from application "Safari" tell application myBrowser make new document with properties {URL:the_url} end tell end using terms from
Upvotes: 1