How can I convert string to double in C++? I want a function that returns 0 when the string is not numerical.
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Sample C program to convert string to double in C
#include <iostream>
#include <comutil.h>
#include <iomanip>
bool ParseNumberToDouble(const std::wstring& strInput, double & dResult)
bool bSucceeded = false;
dResult = 0;
if (!strInput.empty() && dResult)
_variant_t varIn = strInput.c_str();
if (SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeTypeEx(&varIn, &varIn, GetThreadLocale(), 0, VT_R8)))
dResult = varIn.dblVal;
bSucceeded = true;
return bSucceeded;
int main()
std::wstring strInput = L"1000";
double dResult = 0;
ParseNumberToDouble(strInput, dResult);
return 0;
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Reputation: 18685
See C++ FAQ Lite How do I convert a std::string to a number?
See C++ Super-FAQ How do I convert a std::string to a number?
Please note that with your requirements you can't distinguish all the the allowed string representations of zero from the non numerical strings.
// the requested function
#include <sstream>
double string_to_double( const std::string& s )
std::istringstream i(s);
double x;
if (!(i >> x))
return 0;
return x;
// some tests
#include <cassert>
int main( int, char** )
// simple case:
assert( 0.5 == string_to_double( "0.5" ) );
// blank space:
assert( 0.5 == string_to_double( "0.5 " ) );
assert( 0.5 == string_to_double( " 0.5" ) );
// trailing non digit characters:
assert( 0.5 == string_to_double( "0.5a" ) );
// note that with your requirements you can't distinguish
// all the the allowed string representation of zero from
// the non numerical strings:
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "0." ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "0.0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "0.00" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "0.0e0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "0.0e-0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "0.0e+0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "+0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "+0." ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "+0.0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "+0.00" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "+0.0e0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "+0.0e-0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "+0.0e+0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "-0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "-0." ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "-0.0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "-0.00" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "-0.0e0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "-0.0e-0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "-0.0e+0" ) );
assert( 0 == string_to_double( "foobar" ) );
return 0;
Upvotes: 38
Reputation: 5329
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << stod(" 99.999 ") << endl;
Output: 99.999
(which is double, whitespace was automatically stripped)
Since C++11 converting string to floating-point values (like double) is available with functions:
stof - convert str to a float
stod - convert str to a double
stold - convert str to a long double
I want a function that returns 0 when the string is not numerical.
You can add try catch statement when stod
throws an exception.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 9423
Most simple way is to use boost::lexical_cast:
double value;
value = boost::lexical_cast<double>(my_string);
catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast const&)
value = 0;
Upvotes: 35
Reputation: 11079
There is not a single function that will do that, because 0 is a valid number and you need to be able to catch when the string is not a valid number.
You will need to check the string first (probably with a regular expression) to see if it contains only numbers and numerical punctuation. You can then decide to return 0 if that is what your application needs or convert it to a double.
After looking up atof() and strtod() I should rephrase my statement to "there shouldn't be" instead of "there is not" ... hehe
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Reputation: 1686
Must say I agree with that the most elegant solution to this is using boost::lexical_cast. You can then catch the bad_lexical_cast that might occure, and do something when it fails, instead of getting 0.0 which atof gives.
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string str = "3.14";
double strVal;
try {
strVal = boost::lexical_cast<double>(str);
} catch(bad_lexical_cast&) {
//Do your errormagic
return 0;
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 8343
One of the most elegant solution to this problem is to use boost::lexical_cast as @Evgeny Lazin mentioned.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6439
If it is a c-string (null-terminated array of type char), you can do something like:
#include <stdlib.h>
char str[] = "3.14159";
double num = atof(str);
If it is a C++ string, just use the c_str() method:
double num = atof( cppstr.c_str() );
atof() will convert the string to a double, returning 0 on failure. The function is documented here:
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 18984
atof and strtod do what you want but are very forgiving. If you don't want to accept strings like "32asd" as valid you need to wrap strtod in a function such as this:
#include <stdlib.h>
double strict_str2double(char* str)
char* endptr;
double value = strtod(str, &endptr);
if (*endptr) return 0;
return value;
Upvotes: 21
Reputation: 79143
I think atof is exactly what you want. This function parses a string and converts it into a double. If the string does not start with a number (non-numerical) a 0.0 is returned.
However, it does try to parse as much of the string as it can. In other words, the string "3abc" would be interpreted as 3.0. If you want a function that will return 0.0 in these cases, you will need to write a small wrapper yourself.
Also, this function works with the C-style string of a null terminated array of characters. If you're using a string object, it will need to be converted to a char* before you use this function.
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