
Reputation: 969

how to generate a table from entity using doctrine orm in own MVC application?

Not able to generate a table from entity (PatMon2.php) using doctrine ORM in its own MVC application.

Application structure is :

..../core   with COntroller, View, Router, Request  and App.php

and some other folders and files.

I am not able to generate a table from PatMon2.php entity, and I am getting messages from a different project ( www\Plan2ow instead of www\patmon2). When I created a project, I have copied it and changed namespaces. I also deleted the vendor folder and composer.lock and reinstalled doctrine with other bundles. I checked that old namespace does not exist in the new project using the search tool, which could not find word "Plan2own" in the new project. Despite this, I am not able to generate tables for the new project, and I am getting error messages containing old project namespace "Plan2own".

If I use URL: http://patmon2/index.php/home I can see that I can include /src/bootsrap.php file and /vendor/composer/autoload_real.php. But if I run doctrine:orm on the command line, it complains that it can not include vendor directory.


require '../src/bootstrap.php'; //which requires autoload.php


use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
echo( "<br> in bootstrap INC_ROOT = ".INC_ROOT );
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';


        $useStaticLoader = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600 && !defined('HHVM_VERSION');
        if ($useStaticLoader) {
            require_once __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php';
            print_r("<br>uses static loader");

output in http://patmon2/index.php/home

in bootstrap INC_ROOT = C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2
uses static loader

Command line error: c:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2>vendor\bin\doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force --dump-sql

or c:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2>php vendor\doctrine\orm\bin\doctrine

    uses static loader <br> in bootstrap<br> in bootstrap INC_ROOT = C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2PHP 
Warning:  require_once(../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory 
in C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2\src\bootstrap.php on line 69
    PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required '../vendor/autoload.php' 
in C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2\src\bootstrap.php on line 69

If i use >php vendor\bin\doctrine i am getting file content output:

dir=$(d=${0%[/\\]*}; cd "$d"; cd "../doctrine/orm/bin" && pwd)

# See if we are running in Cygwin by checking for cygpath program
if command -v 'cygpath' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        # Cygwin paths start with /cygdrive/ which will break windows PHP,
        # so we need to translate the dir path to windows format. However
        # we could be using cygwin PHP which does not require this, so we
        # test if the path to PHP starts with /cygdrive/ rather than /usr/bin
        if [[ $(which php) == /cygdrive/* ]]; then
                dir=$(cygpath -m "$dir");

dir=$(echo $dir | sed 's/ /\ /g')
"${dir}/doctrine" "$@"

But if i use c:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2>php vendor\doctrine\orm\bin\doctrine i am getting the error above, which complains that can not include '../vendor/autoload.php'. If i make changes to this path, website is not working. ** ############################################################## ** This is the old versin of the question. I made changes which i did not remember in indexp.php, bootstrap.php files. Also included ...patmon2/vendor directory to php.ini file

Command: c:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2> vendor\bin\doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force --dump-sql

Gives this output:
 <br> index.php  vendorDir  = **string(64) "C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\Plan2own\vendor"
**<br> index.php  baseDir  = **string(57) "C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\Plan2own"
**<br> index.php  vendorDir  = **string(64) "C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\Plan2own\vendor"
**<br> index.php  baseDir  = **string(57) "C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\Plan2own"
**No Metadata Classes to process.

I have made "Plan2own" search through all the folder, and this string was not found. I am on "www\patmon2" with the command line. Why I am getting logs from different namespace? ANd how to tell to doctrine ORM, where are entity files, which I want to convert to tables?

My composer.json

   "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "core\\" : "/src/core/",
            "src\\monBundle\\Entity\\" : "/src/monBundle/Entity/",
            "src\\monBundle\\Controller\\" : "/src/monBundle/Controller/",
            "src\\monBundle\\JsonData\\" : "/src/monBundle/JsonData/",
            "src\\monBundle\\cache\\" : "/src/monBundle/cache/",
            "src\\monBundle\\resources\\" : "/src/monBundle/resources/"
        "classmap": [

    "require": {
        "doctrine/orm": "^2.5",
        "symfony/console": "~2.5",
        "twig/twig": "^1.24",
        "filp/whoops": "^2.1"

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Views: 678

Answers (1)


Reputation: 969

Finally, the reason was in wrong include path. When i finish the project, i will upload it to github.

in short C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.20-0\apache2\htdocs\www\patmon2\src\bootstrap.php must contain line require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; (not require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';)

On windows I should use command : php vendor\doctrine\orm\bin\doctrine (not vendor\bin\doctrine, or php vendor\bin\doctrine).

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