Reputation: 9955
To delete a row from the TableView called from customTableViewCell
I have a tableView
in my CustomTableViewController
which deque's a customTableViewCell
In that customTableViewCell
class i have a UIButton
Action which needs to change its buttonTitle when pressed, accordingly and delete the row itself if required.For this i am passing the indexPath of that cell to a globalVariable in that customTableViewCell
class, which i use to delete my row accessing through the instance of CustomTableViewController
Code for retrieving
the database from firebase and struct
is unnecessary ,just included for reference.
which has embed tableView
in it:-
class FriendsListController: UIViewController , UITableViewDelegate , UITableViewDataSource,addingFriendDelegate{
var profileFeed = [profileStruct]() //profileFeed is the an array of type struct, in which i am storing my retrieved database value's
var customCellHandler = FriendsTableViewCell()
override func viewDidLoad() {
listTableView.delegate = self
listTableView.dataSource = self
customCellHandler.delegate = self
if friendListTable == true && profileFeed.isEmpty == true{
FIRControllerHandle.retrievingForTheFriendListTableView { (userName, lctn, ID) in
let temp = profileStruct.init(userName: userName, location: lctn, UID: ID)
self.profileFeed.insert(temp, atIndex: 0)
}else if friendListTable == false && profileFeed.isEmpty == true{
FIRControllerHandle.retrievingForThePendingFriendRequests({ (userName, location, userId) in
if self.profileFeed.isEmpty == true{
let temp = profileStruct.init(userName: userName, location: location, UID: userId)
self.profileFeed.insert(temp, atIndex: 0)
//Code for storing the data in a struct is just for reference , trivial w.r.t context of my question
//addindFriendDelegate methods
func deleteRowAtTheIndex(index: NSIndexPath){
listTableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([index], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
//TableView delegate Functions.
func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 1
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return profileFeed.count
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = listTableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("friendsCell") as! FriendsTableViewCell
cell.userNameLabel.text = profileFeed[indexPath.row].profileName
cell.userUID = profileFeed[indexPath.row].profileUserId
cell.userName = profileFeed[indexPath.row].profileName
cell.userLocationLabel.text = profileFeed[indexPath.row].profileLocation
cell.currentUserName = currentuserName_initial
cell.friendsListBool = friendListTable
cell.cellIndexPath = indexPath //Sending the indexPath of that row
return cell
class which responds to buttons action:-
protocol addingFriendDelegate {
func deleteRowAtTheIndex(index: NSIndexPath)
class FriendsTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
var userName : String!
var userLocation : String!
var userUID : String!
var FIRControllerHandle : FIRController = FIRController() //I am using firebase as my backend and `FIRController` class handles all the firebase functions.
var delegate: addingFriendDelegate!
var friendsListBool : Bool = true // I am managing two tableViews datasource in one tableView , and `friendsListBool` tells me which node to retrieve from my database.
var currentUserName : String!
var cellIndexPath : NSIndexPath!
var listTableViewController : FriendsListController = FriendsListController() // Instance of viewController in which my tableView is embed
@IBAction func addFriendsBtnAction(sender: CustomButton) {
if friendsListBool{
FIRControllerHandle.sendFriendRequest(userUID, completionBlock: {
self.addFriendsBtn.setTitle("Sent", forState: .Normal) //Setting the title
print(self.cellIndexPath.row) //Printing Fine
self.listTableViewController.listTableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([self.cellIndexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
} else if !friendsListBool {
FIRControllerHandle.accepFriendRequest(currentUserName, friendID: userUID, friendName : userName ,completionBlock: {
self.addFriendsBtn.setTitle("Friends", forState: .Normal)
self.listTableViewController.listTableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([self.cellIndexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
called in @IBAction func addFriendsBtnAction(sender: CustomButton)
where listTableViewController
is Instance of viewController in which my tableView is embed, and cellIndexPath
indexPath of the row i want to delete
self.listTableViewController.listTableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([self.cellIndexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
Error:- fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
PS:- I am not particularly inclined towards protocol-delegate
method for this.I am looking for an alternative.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 894
Reputation: 285290
Never initialize a view controller with the default initializer like FriendsListController()
It will create a brand new instance which is not the instance you expect in the view hierarchy.
An suitable alternative to protocol / delegate is a completion closure.
According to your latest code change the following:
var customCellHandler = FriendsTableViewCell()
var delegate: addingFriendDelegate!
Insert in cellForRowAtIndexPath
cell.delegate = self
Insert in deleteRowAtTheIndex
Upvotes: 2