Reputation: 10607
The following is my .Rnw file:
options(warn = 2)
BodyWeight$temp <- as.character(BodyWeight$Rat)
BodyWeight$temp[BodyWeight$temp == "4"] <- "HI₂"
p <- qplot(Time,weight,data=BodyWeight,colour=temp,geom="line")
The following is how I call knitr from R:
# I have tryied this but doesn't make difference:
# pdf.options(encoding='ISOLatin2.enc')
I get following as output:
> knit("mwe_knitr.Rnw")
processing file: mwe_knitr.Rnw
|...................... | 33%
ordinary text without R code
|........................................... | 67%
label: myChunk
Quitting from lines 5-13 (mwe_knitr.Rnw)
Error in grid.Call(L_convert, x, as.integer(whatfrom), as.integer(whatto), :
(converted from warning) conversion failure on 'HI₂' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <e2>
I tried solutions with encoding, such as posted here: Rhtml: Warning: conversion failure on '<var>' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <var>
(I note in comment above exactly where I try the solution to that problem) but it did not seem to change nothing for me.
I am using R 3.3.1 and knitr package 1.13 on Ubuntu.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 894
Reputation: 93871
It looks like using the cairo_pdf
device resolves this issue. In the setup
chunk below, I set the device option to the cairo_pdf
device (that's the line that begins option(device = ...
) and the global chunk option dev
to default to "cairo_pdf" (in the line that begins knitr::opts_chunk$set(...
). This approach is discussed in the knitr
documentation (see the section Encoding of Multibyte Characters) and in Issue #436.
I've made a few other changes:
Instead of "hard-coding" "HI₂"
I've used the Unicode symbol for the subscripted 2, "\U2082"
Changed the plot call to "standard" ggplot rather than qplot.
Changed from calling directlabels
after making the plot to calling geom_dl
to add direct labels within the "standard" ggplot workflow.
Set the fontfamily
within geom_dl
. I found that the subscript 2 was rendered with some font families, but not others.
Changed the warn
option to zero (the default) so that warnings won't be turned into errors. I just did this while I was testing the code, but it can, of course, be set back to 2 if desired.
The chunk myChunk1a
creates the plot. The chunk myChunk1b
creates basically the same plot, but in multiple versions, each using a different font family. In these versions, you can see that the subscript 2 is rendered with some font families, but not others. I'm not sure what determines this and the results may be different on your system.
<<setup, include=FALSE>>=
options(warn = 0)
options(device = function(file, width = 7, height = 7, ...) {
cairo_pdf(tempfile(), width = width, height = height, ...)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, dev="cairo_pdf")
BodyWeight$temp <- as.character(BodyWeight$Rat)
BodyWeight$temp[BodyWeight$temp=="4"] = "HI\U2082"
# Change first value so that HI2 label is easily visible
BodyWeight$weight[BodyWeight$temp=="HI\U2082" & BodyWeight$Time==1] = 350
<<myChunk1a, fig.height=5>>=
ggplot(BodyWeight, aes(Time, weight, colour=temp)) +
geom_line() +
geom_dl(method=list("first.qp", fontfamily="Helvetica", cex=1), aes(label=temp)) +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("Helvetica") +
<<myChunk1b, fig.height=11>>=
# Create several plots, each demonstrating a different font family for the labels
grid.arrange(grobs=lapply(c("Helvetica","Courier","Palatino","Times","Serif"), function(f) {
ggplot(BodyWeight, aes(Time, weight, colour=temp)) +
geom_line() +
geom_dl(method=list("first.qp", fontfamily=f, cex=1), aes(label=temp)) +
labs(x="") +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.margin=unit(c(0,0,0,0), "lines"),
text=element_text(size=9)) +
ggtitle(f) +
}), ncol=1)
<<myChunk2, fig.height=5>>=
BodyWeight$temp <- as.character(BodyWeight$Rat)
# Change first value so that HI2 label is easily visible
BodyWeight$weight[BodyWeight$temp=="4" & BodyWeight$Time==1] = 350
# Set temp==4 to desired expression
BodyWeight$temp[BodyWeight$temp == "4"] <- paste(expression(HI[2]))
# Convert temp to factor to set order
BodyWeight$temp = factor(BodyWeight$temp, levels=unique(BodyWeight$temp))
qplot(Time, weight, data=BodyWeight, colour=temp, geom="line") +
guides(colour=FALSE) +
geom_text(data=BodyWeight %>% group_by(temp) %>%
filter(Time == min(Time)),
aes(label=temp, x=Time-0.5, y=weight), parse=TRUE, hjust=1) +
Here's what the plot from myChunk1a
looks like:
Upvotes: 5