Reputation: 3218
As I told before, I'm working in a library about algebra, matrices and category theory. I have decomposed the algebraic structures in a "tower" of record types, each one representing an algebraic structure. As example, to specify a monoid, we define first a semigroup and to define a commutative monoid we use monoid definition, following the same pattern as Agda standard library.
My trouble is that when I need a property of an algebraic structure that is deep within another one (e.g. property of a Monoid
that is part of a CommutativeSemiring
) we need to use a number of a projections equal to desired algebraic structure depth.
As an example of my problem, consider the following "lemma":
open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Data.Vec
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties
open import Data.Product
module _ {Carrier : Set} {_+_ _*_ : Op₂ Carrier} {0# 1# : Carrier} (ICSR : IsCommutativeSemiring _≡_ _+_ _*_ 0# 1#) where
csr : CommutativeSemiring _ _
csr = record{ isCommutativeSemiring = ICSR }
zipWith-replicate-0# : ∀ {n}(xs : Vec Carrier n) → zipWith _+_ (replicate 0#) xs ≡ xs
zipWith-replicate-0# [] = refl
zipWith-replicate-0# (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (proj₁ (IsMonoid.identity (IsCommutativeMonoid.isMonoid
(CommutativeSemiring.isCommutativeSemiring csr)))) x)
(zipWith-replicate-0# xs)
Note that in order to access the left identity property of a monoid, I need to project it from the monoid that is within the commutative monoid that lies in the structure of an commutative semiring.
My concern is that, as I add more and more algebraic structures, such lemmas it will become unreadable.
My question is: Is there a pattern or trick that can avoid this "ladder" of record projections?
Any clue on this is highly welcome.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 237
Reputation: 27636
If you look at the Agda standard library, you'll see that for most specialized algebraic structures, the record
defining them has the less specialized structure open public
. E.g. in Algebra.AbelianGroup
, we have:
record AbelianGroup c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) where
-- ... snip ...
open IsAbelianGroup isAbelianGroup public
group : Group _ _
group = record { isGroup = isGroup }
open Group group public using (setoid; semigroup; monoid; rawMonoid)
-- ... snip ...
So an AbelianGroup
record will have not just the AbelianGroup
fields available, but also setoid
, semigroup
and monoid
and rawMonoid
from Group
. In turn, setoid
, monoid
and rawMonoid
in Group
come from similarly open public
-reexporting these fields from Monoid
Similarly, for algebraic property witnesses, they re-export the less specialized version's fields, e.g. in IsAbelianGroup
we have
record IsAbelianGroup
{a ℓ} {A : Set a} (≈ : Rel A ℓ)
(∙ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) (⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
-- ... snip ...
open IsGroup isGroup public
-- ... snip ...
and then IsGroup
reexports IsMonoid
, IsMonoid
reexports IsSemigroup
, and so on. And so, if you have IsAbelianGroup
open, you can still use assoc
(coming from IsSemigroup
) without having to write out the whole path to it by hand.
The bottom line is you can write your function as follows:
open CommutativeSemiring CSR hiding (refl)
open import Function using (_⟨_⟩_)
zipWith-replicate-0# : ∀ {n}(xs : Vec Carrier n) → zipWith _+_ (replicate 0#) xs ≡ xs
zipWith-replicate-0# [] = refl
zipWith-replicate-0# (x ∷ xs) = proj₁ +-identity x ⟨ cong₂ _∷_ ⟩ zipWith-replicate-0# xs
Upvotes: 6