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I am trying to model a multivariate Probit model for my binary data. I have been trying everything but WinBUGS in return gives me this error. Any ideas or suggestion are warmly welcomed.
model{ for (i in 1:ns){ ## loop over studies
for (k in 1:2){ ### loop over arm
for (j in 1:2){ ### loop over outcomes
r[i,k,j] ~ dbin(p[i,k,j],n[i,k,j]); ## Likelihood Function
p[i,k,j] <- phi(z[i,k,j])
z[i,k,1:2] ~ dmnorm(theta[i,1:2],with[i,,])I(-5, 5) #latent variable (z<0) or Probit link
theta[i,1] <- alpha[i,k,1] + beta[i,k,1]
theta[i,2] <- alpha[i,k,2] + beta[i,k,2]
} ###Close loop over outcomes
} ###Close loop over arms
alpha[i,2,1] <- 0
alpha[i,2,2] <- 0
alpha[i,1,1:2] ~ dnorm(0,.0001)
beta[i,2,1:2] ~ dmnorm(d[1:2],prec[,])
beta[i,1,1] <- 0
beta[i,1,2] <- 0
## priors on within study cov matrix
with[i,1:2,1:2] <- inverse(cov.mat[i,1:2,1:2])
#define elements of within-study covariance matrix
cov.mat[i,1,1] <- 1
cov.mat[i,2,2] <- 1
### prior from IPD data ######
cov.mat[i,1,2] ~ dbeta(a[i],b[i])
cov.mat[i,2,1] <- cov.mat[i,1,2]
b[i]<- 4.52
}#### Close loop over studies
for (i in 1:2) {
d[i] ~ dnorm(0.0000E+00, 0.0001) # overall treatment effects
## priors on between study cov matrix
a1~dunif(0, pi)
These are my data:
t[,1,1] t[,1,2] t[,2,1] t[,2,2] r[,1,1] n[,1,1] r[,2,1] n[,2,1] r[,1,2] n[,1,2] r[,2,2] n[,2,2]
1 0 1 0 19 77 23 77 60 82 70 82
1 0 1 0 27 199 54 199 231 393 318 393
The model is syntactically correct and it allows me to load the data. Once I compile I get the error in the title. Thank you for any help given
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Views: 465
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I had the same error when using dmulti, i.e. with the error 'vector-valued relation r must involve consecutive elements of variable'.
Following the suggestion here:;41045666.1110, I reverted my indices indexing my response variable 'r' (and therefore also transposed the matrix response variable input data). I applied the same indices reversion and transpose of the denominator 'n'.
This worked:
r[i,1:4] ~ dmulti(pi[1:4], n[i,1:4])
whereas this did not:
r[1:4, i] ~ dmulti(pi[1:4], n[1:4, i])
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It looks as if you are inputting a 2 by 2 matrix into the mean of the multivariate normal distribution right here.
z[i,1:2,k] ~ dmnorm(theta[i,,],with[i,,])I(-5, 5) #latent variable (z<0) or Probit link
However, it appears as if z
is only a vector of length 2. You need to input a vector into the mean of dmnorm
and give it an associated variance covariance matrix (i.e. if you supply a vector of length 3, it needs to have a 3 by 3 variance covariance matrix). Right now you have a 2 by 2 matrix input into the mean (4 parameters) and a 2 by 2 variance covariance matrix. As I do not really know the motivation behind the model I can't really provide any suggestions on how to fix it per se, but it seems to me that you need to index theta
a bit more in order to prevent putting a matrix into dmnorm
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