Reputation: 182
When I upgrade an existing HSQLDB database (the database does not contain the 2 Liquibase control tables - databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock) using a Liquibase script (displayed as follows), an error occurs reporting java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: object name already exists: SOME_TABLE_UK in statement [ALTER TABLE PUBLIC.SOME_TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT SOME_TABLE_UK UNIQUE (COLUMN_3, COLUMN_4)]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<property name="TYPE_AS_ID" value="VARCHAR2(36 BYTE)" dbms="oracle" />
<property name="TYPE_AS_ID" value="VARCHAR(36)" dbms="postgresql" />
<property name="TYPE_AS_ID" value="VARCHAR(36)" dbms="hsqldb" />
<property name="TYPE_AS_NORMAL_TEXT" value="VARCHAR2(255 BYTE)" dbms="oracle" />
<property name="TYPE_AS_NORMAL_TEXT" value="TEXT" dbms="postgresql" />
<property name="TYPE_AS_NORMAL_TEXT" value="VARCHAR(255)" dbms="hsqldb" />
<changeSet author="RayChen" id="1">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<tableExists tableName="SOME_TABLE" />
<createTable tableName="SOME_TABLE">
<column name="COLUMN_1" type="${TYPE_AS_ID}">
<constraints nullable="false" />
<column name="COLUMN_2" type="${TYPE_AS_ID}" />
<column name="COLUMN_3" type="${TYPE_AS_NORMAL_TEXT}" />
<column name="COLUMN_4" type="${TYPE_AS_NORMAL_TEXT}" />
<changeSet author="RayChen" id="2">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<tableExists tableName="SOME_OTHER_TABLE" />
<createTable tableName="SOME_OTHER_TABLE">
<column name="COLUMN_1" type="${TYPE_AS_ID}">
<constraints nullable="false" />
<column name="COLUMN_2" type="${TYPE_AS_NORMAL_TEXT}" />
<changeSet author="RayChen" id="3">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<primaryKeyExists tableName="SOME_TABLE" />
<addPrimaryKey constraintName="SOME_TABLE_PK" tableName="SOME_TABLE" columnNames="COLUMN_1" />
<changeSet author="RayChen" id="4">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<primaryKeyExists tableName="SOME_OTHER_TABLE" />
<addPrimaryKey constraintName="SOME_OTHER_TABLE_PK" tableName="SOME_OTHER_TABLE" columnNames="COLUMN_1" />
<changeSet author="RayChen" id="5">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<foreignKeyConstraintExists foreignKeyName="SOME_TABLE_FK" />
<addForeignKeyConstraint constraintName="SOME_TABLE_FK" baseTableName="SOME_TABLE" baseColumnNames="COLUMN_2" referencedTableName="SOME_OTHER_TABLE" referencedColumnNames="COLUMN_1" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="RESTRICT" onUpdate="RESTRICT" />
<changeSet author="RayChen" id="6">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<indexExists indexName="SOME_TABLE_UK" />
<addUniqueConstraint constraintName="SOME_TABLE_UK" tableName="SOME_TABLE" columnNames="COLUMN_3, COLUMN_4" />
But I have already added a not indexExists precondition in the changeset to create that SOME_TABLE_UK unique key as follows, why does the above error occur?
<changeSet author="RayChen" id="6">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<indexExists indexName="SOME_TABLE_UK" />
<addUniqueConstraint constraintName="SOME_TABLE_UK" tableName="SOME_TABLE" columnNames="COLUMN_3, COLUMN_4" />
What makes me more confused is, the Liquibase script works well without errors when the database is Oracle or PostgreSQL (the above change set #6 will be skipped due to the not indexExists precondition), and similar code works well without errors for primary keys and foreign keys.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 13654
Reputation: 372
I have faced this issue with mysql and liquibase version 4.18.0 using yaml
my script was
- changeSet:
id: unique_constraint_id
author: User (generated)
- onFail: MARK_RAN
- not:
tableName: x_table
constraintName: unique_constraint_on_x_table
- addUniqueConstraint:
columnNames: id, lang
constraintName: unique_constraint_on_x_table
tableName: x_table
I have changed it as @KingDSL said with fixs some names and it worked
- changeSet:
id: unique_constraint_id
author: User (generated)
- onFail: MARK_RAN
- sqlCheck:
expectedResult: 0
sql: "select count(*) from information_schema.table_constraints where CONSTRAINT_NAME like '%unique_constraint_on_x_table%'"
- addUniqueConstraint:
columnNames: id, lang
constraintName: unique_constraint_on_x_table
tableName: x_table
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 331
Liquibase starts supporting uniqueconstraint check on precondition since 4.9.0
Checks for the existence of unique constraints before running the update. (since Liquibase 4.9.0)
<uniqueConstraintExists constraintName="uq_constraint_name" tableName="test_table"/>
<uniqueConstraintExists tableName="test_table" columnNames="first_name, last_name"/>
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 119
There is another approach to this issue. You can manage your own precontions by using the sql system objects. (I'm not sure if this is the correct HSQLDB syntax) .
<changeSet author="RayChen" id="6">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.objects WHERE name LIKE 'SOME_TABLE_UK%'</sqlCheck>
<addUniqueConstraint constraintName="SOME_TABLE_UK" tableName="SOME_TABLE" columnNames="COLUMN_3, COLUMN_4" />
Upvotes: 4